How To Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep

It is general knowledge that being on your phone right before bedtime is a no-no (because of the harmful effects of blue lights) and that you should never have a meal when it’s almost bedtime.

However, there are some other habits that aren’t talked about enough that might be hindering you from getting a good night’s rest.
Find our recommendations below to get yourself better nights of sleep;

1. Sleeping With Noise
Sleeping with noise regularly is a bad habit that can affect your health in more ways than you are aware of. Sleeping with noise has been linked to high blood pressure, heart diseases, increased use of sleep medications and a decline in one’s overall health.
If at you cannot avoid the noise around you, perhaps your neighbour is vacuuming or doing some construction work and you just can’t seem to avoid the noise. What you can do is incorporate earplugs into your routine. The soft, silicone ones should stay put in your ears all night long and they’re excellent at blocking out noise.

2. Exercise
Yes, we know. This might sound tiring being coupled with the already tiring day you just had but exercise can improve the quality of your sleep.
You don’t have to do the most exercises right before bed – walks around the block, cardio and light yoga can do the trick.

3. Have a Bath
Taking a relaxing bath or shower is a tried-and-true method of getting better sleep every night.
This can make you feel cool and refreshed, try showering 90 minutes before hitting your bed.
Showering before bed also gets rid of all the dirt and sweat you may have acquired throughout the day, reducing the oil and dirt that transfers to your bedding.


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