Rebranded destiny – Part 1

Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Ojo
“Jabez was more honourable than his brothers…” (1Chronicles 4:9a)

The life of Jabez was rebranded because of his ability to recognise and reject his present condition. To be more honourable is to receive honour from friends, community and family members. To be honour means to be worthy of greatness or distinction. He became a person of unquestionable character. In another way, honourable is the person who is not disposed to cheat or defraud, not deceptive or fraudulent. We have many so-called honourable, today, occupying political position, but who are fraudulent in their character and actions. Maybe Jabez was once like that because he was under the spell of his mother. He was a worthless person because of his background and negative words were spoken against his destiny. Jabez was not initially being a blessing to his generation until his life was rebranded and takes charge of his destiny.

What are the steps taken by Jabez that turned him a rebranded person?

In verse 10, “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel…” This is a kind of prayer that comes from the agony of his heart. He was in the anguish of rejection and unworthy life. He prayed earnestly for divine visitation and better transformation of life. The prophesy about Esau, when he was defrauded by his brother Jacob, is a typical example of what happened here. “You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother (that was unworthy life among his brothers) But when you grow restless, you throw his yoke from off your neck” (Genesis 27:40). The process for every deliverance starts from the acknowledgement of God as the only deliverer. You must be restless in prayer before you can get the yoke off your neck. Are you under the oppression of sins and power of darkness, under the bondage of sickness or experiencing life failure? Rise up to God in prayer and call on Him for divine intervention. When Jonah was in his dark life, his destiny was swallowed by a big shark, but in his darkness, he called unto God for divine help. He got an answer to his prayer. The scripture says, “Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16) If the door is locked on you, you can only have access to God through prayer. David cried unto God in his anguish and said, “Hear me Lord and answer me for I am poor and needy” (Psalm 86:1). What a miserable life, when David was faced with the challenge of life. He ran into the desert to save his life, but he knows the only way out was by calling upon the name of God of Israel. Know that, beginning with a plea for help is the way to let God know you need Him. Jabez cried unto God, “I am worthless Oh my God, redeem my fortune”. When you call upon God, He is very compassionate to help us in the time of need, even though we may not deserve it, to show us mercy and grace in spite of our past choices. Are you in despair or in any unbearable circumstances? Ask God to let His compassion lift you from your low state of life. Be sure that God’s compassion will comfort and strengthen you in Jesus name!

What prayer does is more magnificent than what personal efforts can do. Resolve today and call upon God in time like this in our country. You are honourable before, but you have become a victim of economic disaster in our nation. Don’t worry, call on God to restore you and your glory. May God rebrand your glory and your life will accord honour in Jesus name!

Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Ojo, Christ the Rock Baptist Church, Mende, Maryland, Lagos (The Glorious Church)
WhatsApp: 2348034538413


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