Wednesday, 24th April 2024

Pink is the new green

By Sereba Agiobu-Kemmer
15 February 2020   |   3:22 am
Pink is the new green we are loving right now. While we’re not ready to declare pink the new green, but this plant color is super popular these days. With speckled, striped, or mottled variegation

Coleus ‘Pink Chaos’ (Solenostemon hybrid)-totally love this hot pink<br />

Pink is the new green we are loving right now. While we’re not ready to declare pink the new green, but this plant color is super popular these days. With speckled, striped, or mottled variegation, these plants deliver an unexpected flush of color to your house or garden without relying on bright blooms.

Millennial pink is the color trend we’ve been loving for the last few years, and it’s an easy one to bring into the gardening realm, along with other shades of this warm color. Besides plenty of flowers that are pink, many houseplants, as well as outdoor plants, have exciting pink-hued foliage. They often have some sort of pattern or texture that is both green and pink—and because pink and green are complementary colors, these colorful leaves are especially eye-catching. Here are some plants with beautiful pink leaves sure to brighten your home or garden. Since this is Valentine Season, they make exceptionally good gifts for Sweethearts who love to garden and those who never gave it a thought to start a new hobby plant parenting.

Indoor Plants
Using pink plants as part of your decor is an easy way to bring unexpected color into the mix. Big foliage will add dramatic flair while smaller, more compact foliage will add softness. Here are a few pink-leafed houseplants that you can rely on for adding a little rosiness to your indoor garden.

Mosaic Plant
Also called nerve plant, mosaic plant (Fittonia albivenis) is a trailing plant with deeply veined leaves. Those veins can be white or deep pink, which makes each leaf look like a mosaic or stained-glass window. This plant will thrive in indoor containers, and because it stays small, it’s especially good for terrariums.

: Usually under 6 inches
Light: Indirect light (avoid direct light, which can make the leaves crisp up).
Watering: Mosaic plant grows best in moist soil, so water it when the surface of the soil is slightly dry.

Madagascar Dragon Tree
Dracaena marginata is notable for its long, narrow, sword-like leaves and slender, woody stems. Over time, these tropical plants can get up to eight feet tall! Dragon trees are tolerant of neglect, so they’re a good option if you’re a forgetful or busy plant parent.
Size: Some can grow up to 8 feet, but other varieties can stay smaller at just up to 3 feet.
Light: Can tolerate low to bright light, but its pink color will look best if it’s grown in bright light (just avoid the full sun).
Water: Let the soil dry to the touch between watering.

Polka Dot Plant
Like the same suggests, polka dot plants have spotted, mottled leaves that come in white, pink, or red. When in their natural habitat, these plants can get up to three feet tall—when grown indoors, they tend to stay smaller and more compact so they work well in terrariums.
Size: Up to 3 feet, but potted plants will usually be smaller.
Light: Bright, indirect light
Watering: Keep the soil moist, especially in the dry season, though you can water less during the wet season.

Chinese evergreens are popular foliage houseplants, and the varieties with pink patterns on their glossy leaves are extra fun to have around. These plants are very forgiving and do well in most types of light, which is another reason they are so popular.
Size: 1 to 3 feet tall
Light: Can tolerate indirect sunlight or medium- to low-light conditions.
Watering: Water regularly, but let the plant dry out a little between waterings.

Rex Begonia
These types of begonias offer an array of leaf shapes, colors, and patterns from one variety to the next, and plenty of them have pink hues. They need bright, indirect sunlight so their leaves stay as colorful as possible.
Size: Up to 2 feet tall
Light: Medium to bright light
Watering: Water when the soil is just beginning to dry out.

This plant is like an optical illusion: Stromanthe looks different from pretty much every angle. The top of the green leaves feature white variegation, but if you look at it from below, you’ll see a surprise underneath—the underside of the leaves is variegated pink and red. Stromanthe is native to rain forests, so be sure to put them in a place that is warm and humid.
Size: 2 to 3 feet tall
Light: Bright, indirect light
Watering: Let the top inch of soil dry out before watering.

Because of its delicate and showy leaf patterns, Calathea is also known as zebra plant, peacock plant, and rattlesnake plant. Calatheas are a little fussy about their growing conditions, but the beautiful plant is well worth the effort.
Size: Up to 3 feet
Light: Low to medium indirect light
Watering: Water regularly, but let the soil half-dry out between waterings.

Outdoor Plants
Both sunny and shady spots can benefit from a splash of pink. These outdoor plants make for bright spillers, fillers, or thrillers, depending on how you plant them. Play with height and size to make these fun pink plants stand out even more in the garden.

Caladiums are a great plant to turn to when you want guaranteed color. Many cultivars have patterns with pink centers or veining. Each of its stems has one large heart-shape leaf at the end.
Size: Up to 3 feet tall and 2 feet across
Light: Part-shade or filtered sun
Watering: Keep the soil moist, and don’t let it dry out completely.

Cordyline thrives outdoors but can also be used as a houseplant. They have leathery variegated leaves that have pink or white edges. Look for varieties that produce fragrant flowers and berries for multi-interest.
Size: Up to 3 feet tall
Light: Grow in the sun, but can also tolerate part-sun.
Watering: Can tolerate drought, but it’s best not to let the soil completely dry out.

These perennials are grown for their foliage more than their flowers. Heuchera’s lobed leaves come in shades of almost every color, including purple, yellow, and orange. You can rely on them to add color to a shady corner of the garden.
Size: Up to 3 feet tall
Light: Depending on the variety, Heuchera can grow well in sun or shade.
Watering: Plant them in an area with good drainage, because this plant doesn’t like sitting in too much water.

Coleus is a member of the Mint family, with its characteristic square stems and oppositely arranged leaves. You can find a variety of coleus for every spot in the garden. There are coleus varieties with colored edges, veining patterns, spots, and textured edges. Many of the varieties with pink patterns have a green or purple base color.
Size: Usually up to 3 feet, though some varieties can grow up to 8 feet.
Light: Shade or part-shade
Watering: Keep the soil moist, but be sure to plant them in a spot that drains well.

Coleus (Green-Pink) plant<br />

Potted Stromanthe Tricolor<br />

Coleus ‘Pink Chaos’ (Solenostemon hybrid)-totally love this hot pink<br />