Friday, 19th April 2024

Don’t allow your dream to die – Part 1

By Rev. John Okene
16 June 2019   |   3:21 am
A dream is a mental picture of what you intend to do or become. It is a cherish desire. Your dream gives you focus in life. Anyone that will be successful in life must be a dreamer. If something inside of you tells you that you will be great then God gives you a dream…


A dream is a mental picture of what you intend to do or become. It is a cherish desire. Your dream gives you focus in life. Anyone that will be successful in life must be a dreamer. If something inside of you tells you that you will be great then God gives you a dream in order to achieve the greatness. An achiever is a dreamer.

Those who achieve greatness in history had their dreams and never relented until it was fulfilled. Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb is long gone but his achievement lives on. Bill Gates, the originator of the Microsoft and Mark Zuckerberg who founded the facebook along side with his colleagues at the university were all dreamers.

Your dream is your vision or your goal in life. It is an error for one to pass through life without a goal.

Unfortunately, many people are living life aimlessly with no plan for the future. They are the Esau’s generation who only care for the things of today. Your dream must go beyond your circumstances. Every great dream is birthed on the altar of trouble. A seed could be thrown in the midst of thrash but it never stops it from growing.

A great dream strives where there is trouble. Every dream will go through challenges before it can materialise or else it is not from God. The problem becomes the fertiliser to make it grow. Don’t allow your dream to die because it is meant to solve problems. By the power of the Holy Ghost, you will conceive this season and give birth to your dream. It shall become a legacy for generations unborn in Jesus name.

You can’t dream to have what you already have. In other words, your dream should be bigger than you, especially when God is involved. A dream could come out of inspiration but for Mary, it was very dramatic.

The angel just appeared and told her the divine plan; it was too big for her. She couldn’t comprehend it because the whole idea was beyond the box of her imagination though it was right there in her womb. Keep your dream alive in the womb of your mind. May your dream come true in Jesus name.

Prov. 29:18 says that without a vision there is nothing to keep you going and nothing to look forward to. Such people cast off restraint. Come to think of it, how far can you go in life without a dream in life? If not for the dream Joseph had, he would have died at the pit level. His dream was a propelling force that saw him through the ugly experience he had because it was from God. Certain things characterise a dream that comes from God.

The first of them is that the dream will be too big for you. God will not give you a dream of your size or else you don’t need God or faith since you can handle it yourself. Secondly, such a dream must go beyond your control and give you some elements of fear. When the angel told Mary she would be pregnant, she was filled with fear.

A God-given dream takes you out of control. When problems started springing up around Joseph in our Bible passage he could no longer manage the situation until he found himself at the seat of greatness. May you arrive safely at your seat of destiny in Jesus name.

Again, a dream that comes from God makes people to be jealous of you. Joseph had haters as a result of his dream. People just can’t imagine why you should be the carrier of such a great vision and so they will look for any means to frustrate or even kill the dream and the dreamer. All those after your dream may they go down by fire!

Finally, a dream that is from God is often difficult to say to men. How could Mary (Luke 1:28-40) explain to Joseph and family members her virgin conception. Such dreams never resemble your present situation. What God will do in your life this season will cause men to celebrate you in Jesus name.

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