Friday, 27th September 2024

Let Us Pray – Part 29

By Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide
17 August 2024   |   3:38 am
Whenever Moses’ intercession waned, so did the flow of God’s power on behalf of His people (cf. Heb 7:25).
Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide

Whenever Moses’ intercession waned, so did the flow of God’s power on behalf of His people (cf. Heb 7:25).

2 •This divine principle continues to operate under the new covenant. If we fail to call upon God daily in prayer, then the divine life, protection, blessing and grace will begin to cease its flow toward us. Our only hope of victory lies in continually approaching the throne of grace through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the power of God and grace to help us in times of need (Heb 4:16; 7:25; see Mat 7:7-8).

ConditionalitiesFor Answered Prayers
Humble yourself, Pray, Seek, Repent

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land,” (2 Chr 7:14).
In Chapter 6, Solomon asked God to make provisions for the people when they sinned. God answered with four conditions for forgiveness:

• Humble yourself by admitting your sins.
• Pray to God, asking for forgiveness.
• Seek God continually and
• Turn from sinful behaviour.

True repentance is more than talk.It is a changed behaviour. Whether we sin individually, as a group or as a nation, following these steps will lead to forgiveness. God Will Answer Our Earnest Prayers

“If my people… humble…pray… seek… turn.” God’s judgment of His people during times of moral decline, spiritual apathy and worldly compromise is drought, barrenness, pestilence and affliction (v.13). God’s promise, although originally given to Israel, applies equally to His people of any generation who, after experiencing His judgment, meet the following four conditions for revival of spiritual life and the restoration of God’s holy purpose and blessing for His people (cf. Acts 3:19):

1• “Humble themselves.” God’s people must recognise their failures, manifest sorrow for their sin and renew their commitment to do God’s will.
Humbling oneself before God and His word means recognising one’s spiritual poverty (11:16; 15:12-13, 15; 34:15-19; Ps 51:17; Mat 5:3).

2 • “Pray.” God’s people must cry out to Him in desperation for mercy, and must completely depend upon Him and trust Him for His intervention. The prayer must be earnest and sustained until God answers from heaven (cf. Lk 11:1-13; 18:1-8; Jas 5:17-18).

3• “Seek my face.” God’s people must diligently turn to God with the whole heart and long for His presence― and not just try to escape from adversity (11:16; 19:3; 1Chr 16:11; 22:19; Is 55:6-7).

4• “Turn from their wicked ways.” God’s people must genuinely repent by turning from specific sins and all forms of idolatry, renounce conformity to the world, and draw near to God for mercy, forgiveness and cleansing (29:6-11; 2Kgs 17:13; Jer 25:5; Zech 1:4; Heb 4:16).

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