Friday, 19th April 2024

No longer a eunuch – Part 1

By John Okene
10 May 2020   |   2:40 am
The Hebrew word for eunuch is “Saris,” while in Greek; it is called “Eunuchos.” It means someone who has been castrated. A eunuch is someone whose ability to reproduce has been taken away. He is someone that can no longer produce results; someone who has been made barren.

The Hebrew word for eunuch is “Saris,” while in Greek; it is called “Eunuchos.” It means someone who has been castrated. A eunuch is someone whose ability to reproduce has been taken away. He is someone that can no longer produce results; someone who has been made barren. Barrenness is not only when a woman cannot get pregnant. There is financial barrenness, spiritual barrenness and marital barrenness, among others. When God created man, He blessed them and commanded them to be fruitful. Genesis 1:28

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion.”

It is the blessing that makes a man fruitful. Once the blessing is taken away, the man becomes barren. The great Samson was very strong and fruitful. He was able to terrorise the Philistines and rule as a judge in Israel; that was what he was destined to do. But when Delilah shaved his hair as a result of disobedience to God’s law, his fellowship with God was severed. If the enemy can take away the blessing or grace from a person, that person will struggle all his life without getting results. In Luke 5:1-10, Peter went out fishing with his team made up of James and John, and they toiled through the night without getting any result. In such a case, they could be said to be eunuchs-career wise. When they encountered Jesus, their fruitfulness was restored and they had a harvest of fishes to the extent that their ship began to sink. I decree to you in the name of Jesus starting from now your life will be full of results.

There is nothing as terrible as putting so much efforts and no result to show for it. People don’t recognise efforts, they only celebrate results. I pray for you, the result you need to silence every mocker in your life will come to you this day in Jesus name. From the scripture in Matthew 19:12, eunuchs are categorised into three groups. Those who were born eunuchs, those who were made eunuchs by men and those who made themselves eunuchs.

The first set of eunuchs is impotent from the womb. What they need to fulfil their destiny or purpose in this world has been stolen before birth. It simply means they came into this world as a minus. It is like the story of a very intelligent young man, who was writing his final year exams. Somebody was working on him in a satanic altar. As he picked the pen to write, his hands would shake violently and the pen would fall to the ground. This occurred twice, but one of the invigilators observed it and thought he was trying to cheat in the examination. The invigilator then warned him that he would be disciplined if it happened again. Since he was being remote controlled from an altar, he had no control over his actions. Eventually, the pen fell the third time and the invigilator was furious. He quickly went to the young lad’s seat, picked his answer sheet and wrote with a red pen ‛minus 30.’ So, this young lad started his exams with minus 30. There are some of you reading this article, who are like this young lad. It looks as if you started life with a minus because you find it difficult to command results. I decree, the Lord is restoring back everything you lost in your mother’s womb in Jesus name.

In Acts 3:1-10, we see a man who was born lame. He ended up a beggar at the temple of beautiful in Israel. He was not ordained to be a beggar, but circumstances forced him to take to begging as career. Imagine if this man was ordained to be the President of a country, who will vote for him? His destiny was crippled from his mother’s womb, hence he had to get an alternative means of livelihood. But when he had an encounter with Jesus the restorer through Apostle Peter and John, the original plan of God for his life was restored. Hallelujah!
Rev. John Okene, Divine Touch Int’l Ministries, Warri, Delta State.
Prayerline: +2348135952623

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