Vision 2022 – Set your vision

It’s hard to believe we are almost a whole month into the New Year. Trying to stick to New Year’s resolutions while trying to survive what feels like the longest month of the year with too much month at the end of your money, it may have been a challenge to set your vision for the year ahead.

For several years, since finding out about vision boarding, I struggled to set my vision for the year until early 2021 when I found out about an online vision boarding session. When a friend and I discovered the event charged £25 per guest, we decided we could have a go at it ourselves for free and gathered together like-minded women to run our DIY session. While it may sound overwhelming to put together a collage of your dreams and vision on a board, breaking it down into sections can be easy, and even fun as we discovered two hours into our session. But don’t let it fool you; creating a vision board is more than just a fun art and crafts activity. If done right, it can help you manifest your dreams.

See the big picture
What’s the master plan? Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? Try to focus on the vision of what you want to achieve for yourself. Instead of material goods or possessions, try to focus on the feelings instead – why do you want the possessions you wish to have? Is it the diploma or the sense of expertise you want for yourself? The pair of fancy heels or the feeling of empowerment you will have walking in them?

Understand your why
We all have our key motivations, the forces that drive us forwards toward our goals. Dig deep to find out your why – and while you focus on the big picture, try to bring in your values and your motivations into your day-to-day life. Understanding your why will help you create a vision true to the values you hold dear.

Compartmentalise your vision
This is the part that requires some thought – breaking down the vision into manageable sections. The easiest way to do this is to compartmentalise the areas you wish to focus on from career to love life, from money to values. Then go through each area one by one, focusing only on the things you’d like to achieve in this area.

Get creative
Whether it is vibrant pictures or calligraphy or words you cut out from magazines that represent your values, you can choose whatever looks aesthetically pleasing. You can even


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