You are not of the world – Part 7

Ejikeme Ejim. Photo; PUOREPORTS
Text: John 17:9-16

Key Verse: Romans 12:1, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” (NKJV)

When you give yourself to God as a sacrifice, you no longer own yourself, God owns you. God becomes your owner. If you are a living sacrifice, God will control your life, here on earth. He will remove you from the evil going on around you.

We see the evil and we know all the evil going on around us, but every child of God should remove himself from it. What is holiness after all? Holiness is to remove yourself from all the evil around you and place yourself on God’s side. There is a song we sing that says: “Holiness unto the Lord” is our watchword and song. Holiness unto the Lord as we’re marching along. Sing it, shout it, loud and long, Holiness unto the Lord, now and forever.”

Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world (Romans 12:2). Sometimes people don’t understand and some people who come to church and claim they have given their lives to Christ continue to live like worldly people. Children of God are not of this world and if you want to know where we belong, you can read from Philippians Chapter 3 and you will see that the Bible says in verse 20, that our citizenship is in heaven. We are heavenly people, you will see other scriptures that tell how we are pilgrims, in Hebrews Chapter 11 and 1Peter Chapter 2, you will see that we are pilgrims. We should live out the Christian life as children of God. We don’t belong to this world system and we are going back to our heavenly home. All God’s children are heaven’s citizens. They do not belong to this world and should not do things as if they belong to this world.

Present your body a living sacrifice. How are you going to do this? You present every part of your body — your hair, ear, eyes, eyebrow, nose, mouth, neck, breast, back, hands, upper arms, lower arms, fingers, fingernails, waist, thighs, lower legs, feet, toes — and all other parts, everything on you a living sacrifice. Present everything outside your body to God. Then you present your heart, liver, kidney, bladder, lungs, small intestine, big intestine and everything inside of you to God. None should belong to you anymore, God has taken overall. Present also your private parts to God because Jesus owns them. How will you commit fornication when you have presented your private part to God? It means Jesus doesn’t own it.

All your body, every part of your body should belong to Jesus. Don’t talk anyhow, the mouth belongs to Jesus; don’t chew anything, the teeth belong to Jesus and don’t drink anything and all types of things they are drinking out there.

Remember that your mouth belongs to Jesus and that your body is the temple of the Lord and the Lord is not going to take it easy with anyone who destroys this temple. You are temple of the Holy Ghost and God finds His dwelling in you and in me. Don’t destroy the temple and whosoever wants to destroy the temple, God will destroy him/her.

Today’s Nugget: Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Prayer: Lord, I dedicate my body as a living sacrifice to you. Prayer lines: 08054477940.
Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.


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