Tuesday, 23rd April 2024
To guardian.ng

Smart Ways To Handle People You Dislike

If we lived in a perfect world, everyone would be kind, considerate, mindful, generous, and make it a whole lot easier to get along with them. We'd all hang around all day laughing at everyone's jokes and being chummy, probably grab a few drinks together every other day. Essentially, we would live in a completely joyous world…

If we lived in a perfect world, everyone would be kind, considerate, mindful, generous, and make it a whole lot easier to get along with them. We’d all hang around all day laughing at everyone’s jokes and being chummy, probably grab a few drinks together every other day. Essentially, we would live in a completely joyous world free of malicious actions and disgruntled people. But we all know that’s not our reality. We’re going to have to deal with people we dislike, who drive us crazy almost on a daily basis. In fact, there will be times when we aren’t exactly somene else’s cup of tea either.

Several factors may contribute to our dislike of a person. We may find the person to be too pretentious, untrustworthy, inconsiderate, rude, etc. In some situations, our spirit just won’t “gel” with this person. Things like this are worse when we have o deal with this person regularly – because of work or some other mutual activity. So how d you continue to tolerate a person who upsets you just by breathing?

Here’s The Smart Way To Deal With It – 

1. Accept that you can not like everyone

Don’t be one of thos naive people who believe that there is no one they won’t like once they interact with the person. The truth is even if this holds true for you for a very long time, you will eventually come across one person who will prove too difficult. A smart person knows this and recognizes that people’s values and thoguht processes differ and might clash with yours from time to time. This doesn’t make either of you a bad person.

2. Always Be Civil

Regardless of what your feelings are towards a person, always remember they, as well as other people, will react to your attitude and behaviour. Not only are people observing our behaviour and attitude, they are also very likely to throw that same thing back at us. Instead of being rude, develope a diplomatic attitude so that you always cme across as professional and/or polite. Alaways be fair, impartial and composed.

3. Check Your Expectations

Smartpeople have learned that expectatins often only set you up for disappointment. This applies especially when we have ridiculously high expectations of people. Never expect that someone would react to a situation the same way you would, or think the same you do. If a persons disappoints you more times than you are comfortable with, it’s tie to adjust your expectations of that person.

4. Examine Yourself

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe what you dislike about a person is something you don’t like about yourself either? Instead of expending energy thinking about how annoying a person is, learn how to properly handle your frustration. Identify what exactly is triggering your feelings towards this person and you will be able to adjust your reaction to the person’s behaviour.

5. Never React Immediately

When this person does one of those things that get under your skin, pause before you react. Trust me, you want to let all the andrenaline leave your brain before taking any action. Take a deep breath and access the intellectual part of your brain. This will enable you respond without overreacting or, better yet, move past the entire incident.

6. Openly Discuss the Situation

if someone consistently upsets you, perhaps it’s time to confront the person about it. This doesn’t mean you should raise your voice or be accusatory. You can very calmly let this person know that certain things he/she does are a problem for you. Let the person know how you feel when he/she does these things and then wait for a response. You may be surprised to find that he/she wasn’t doing these things intentionally and had no idea they upset you.

7. Give Them Some Space – Literally

Probably the most important way of dealing with people you dislike is distancing yourself from them. Smart people know when it’s time to remove oneself from a provocative situation. If you sense things are about to escalate, leave the room or move to another desk – just create some space between you. When you clear your head, you may return and continue like nothing happend.

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