Thursday, 25th April 2024

Allah abhors fraudulent practices in Ramadan 

A man who lives on income derived through illicit means and fraudulent practices cannot be morally advanced and spiritually elevated. Islam lays the greatest

Sir: A man who lives on income derived through illicit means and fraudulent practices cannot be morally advanced and spiritually elevated. Islam lays the greatest emphasis on Qat Haldl (food earned through lawful means). Kitab al-Buyu’ The Book of Transactions

Islam is most vehement in its condemnation of commercial dishonesty. It denounces, in the strongest possible terms, all sorts of deceitful dealings and illegal profits. It has disallowed all transactions not based upon justice and fair play. The Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him), reprimanding the dishonest dealer, said: “Laisa minna man gashshdna” (Whosoever deceives us is not one of us).

Proliferation of mosques everywhere is high even in the markets places; yet in our conduct, there is not much display of compassion, and kindness. The Holy Quran stresses clearly that righteousness is not in the precise observance of the prayers and other rituals but in acts of compassion and kindness. 

Sadly, essential commodities traders cause intentional hardships to people, regularly by their heartless action of hiking commodities prices. If these traders can curtail their materialistic tendencies and pay attention to the teachings of the Holy Quran, surely, the society and people will be happier and Allah will bless them and protect their fortune.

Muslims are encouraged to be more generous than ever. To be fair, some wealthy individuals, public servants, especially elected and appointed exhibit compassion and kindness in this month of Ramadan. But for many traders, it has become a tradition to use the profits generated to take their families to perform unnecessary lesser Hajj without considering the pains caused to millions of households in abject poverty due to their acts.

We should use the fasting period to examine ourselves, take responsibility for our misdeeds, make amends and seek Allah’s forgiveness.  

Abba Dukawaa can be reached at

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