The historic conflict between the Catholic faith and Protestantism centres around the subject of the place of the Word of God, the Bible. The Catholic Church believes, as the writer has clearly stated, that the Scripture plus Tradition, make the real essence of the Faith. Protestants however disagreed with this asserting that only the Scripture is to constitute the rules for belief and guide for conduct.
This writer has itemized some of the arguments from the Catholic side. Let us look at this arguments.
First, the Catholic Church insist that the Church ‘made’ the Bible and existed before the Bible since a committee of the church selected those books to form the canon of the scripture therefore it sees herself and her tradition as equal if not superior to the Bible. In other words, if the church existed before the Bible then her traditions and practices must be equal to it. This is the first error of the Roman Church. What is scripture? It is not necessarily the collectionof the different letters or when they were collected that made it the Bible. It was not when Constantine convened the Council that finally selected the 27 letters that made the canon of New Testament that it became the Bible, it was already Scripture even when they were read as letters from churches to churches as far back as 70 A.D.- right from the days of the Primitive Church and long before the institution of the Catholic Church as we know it. And they were already scriptures even when they were recited as oral traditions before it was committed to writing. What makes it Scripture is not because it was committed to writing or printed but BECAUSE IT IS THE WORD OF GOD. By placing her traditions some of which emanated from the traditional religion of Rome on the same footing with the Scripture the Catholic Church commits and still commits one of the greatest blunders and heresies possible to humanity. This is the point where Luther, Calvin, Huss, Wyccliff, Savonarola etc., would not concede to Rome.

The claim that the Scripture is not superior to tradition is also fallacious and problematic. What makes a tradition authentic if not anchored on the Scripture? The claim that many of the early Christian beliefs are not in the Bible is also problematic. The e