Thursday, 18th April 2024

The marriage institution – Part 20

By Ayo Daniels
24 October 2021   |   3:55 am
Do you want to share life with the love of your life? Then give priority to the daily investment of tender behavioral acts in your marriage. Good habits come with good harvest, better than any quick interventions scheme when life hits.

Ayo Daniels

Do you want to share life with the love of your life? Then give priority to the daily investment of tender behavioral acts in your marriage. Good habits come with good harvest, better than any quick interventions scheme when life hits. Today, we’ll conclude on the fun ways to keep improving your already awesome marital/relational synergy. Per adventure the virtues highlighted over these weeks are lacking, you can begin your application for a predictable outcome. If you are not married yet, you can start practising these tips while you enjoy the relationship as you engage your wedding planning process Proverbs 15:1-2; Ephesians 4:29-32.

Choose to be playful: Life is stressful and overwhelming. So, learn to express your playful side, which stimulates positive energy for your relationship by suggesting or agreeing to participate in sports, games, walks round your neighbourhood, a night at the amusement park, and other spirited activities. Show this warm personality often and remind your spouse how much fun you are. Even if you’re the worst game player ever, laugh at your lack of skill instead of pouting or getting frustrated at each other, let them see you in adorable ways Colossians 3:19

Don’t consistently refuse requests: Life may be hectic, but if your partner asks you to help with something, make it a high priority to do so, as soon as humanly possible. Showing your spouse that such requests are important to you and you value your shared needs makes your cooperation stronger. On the flip side, if either of you says, “I’ll get to it in a few days. I’m kind of busy now,” that may hurt feelings. Of course, some requests can’t be done immediately, and you may not be able to drop other important tasks to complete it, but don’t make your spouse wait endlessly. Just do it as soon as you can and communicate that (Proverbs 18:24.

Be sensitive to life’s awkward moments: Sometimes, when individuals are stressed, they get snappy. When this happens, the outburst may come as a big surprise. Be sensitive each time your spouse replies with a terse comment; don’t pull the pin so easily. Learn to overlook things as a sign of stress, if they are not able to respond maturely. And where there is a blame game, it’s better to walk away than get into a fight over something silly that you can’t even explain to others. Apologies can come a little bit later when the tensions are minimised Philippians 4:8.

Divvy up your chores: Division of labour in marriage is one of the major issues that marriage counselors handle with couples who have challenges. Role relationships can be alien to some culture, but when we seek to understand and engage the dynamics, it helps strengthen the bonds of relationships. The feeling that you are present, and we are in this together produces emotional stability for couples. You can avoid resentments by simply talking to each other about specific roles within the household.

Make your own plan without any “male versus female” labels Eccl 4:9.

Can you ask your spouse this week, “What do you need more of?” You can become this direct, so you can get objective feedback from your spouse. You will probably hear things like, “I need some more alone time when I get home from work.” “I need more cuddle time” “I need more money” “I want us to spend time alone more.” Your spouse isn’t a mind reader, but they want to know how to serve you better. You can get your needs met without resentments building up. All these virtues highlighted in the last 4 weeks can become tools employed to develop a thriving marriage that can be used and shared with others.

Ayo Daniels is a healthy family practitioner and will love to hear your questions, testimonies and attend to your counseling need: