Thursday, 18th April 2024

Act two scene one

We had been married for three months. Three beautiful exciting months, that had consisted mostly of us travelling around the world and visiting all the exotic cities we had planned to visit when we were teenagers. It all felt too good to be true.


We had been married for three months. Three beautiful exciting months, that had consisted mostly of us travelling around the world and visiting all the exotic cities we had planned to visit when we were teenagers. It all felt too good to be true.

We returned happy and content. “Ah Adesewa! You look like you have gained some weight or am I going to be a granddad again soon”! My father asked as he poured me a glass of fresh juice.

Tunji had resumed work and I had been bored being home alone, and so I had decided to pay my parents a visit.“Daddy please don’t start! We are not in a hurry so the answer is no! We are not pregnant yet”. I said in between chuckles.

“Wow, your mother has already planned a summer vacation around nursing a baby in six months. Maybe you should inform her so she can make other plans”. My father said in a sarcastic tone.“Well it’s possible she may be nursing a baby in six months, just not my baby”! I said as I rolled my eyes.

“So what are your plans for the rest of the day”? He asked.“That’s why I am here Daddy. I need a plan not just for today, but for the rest of my life. I love being Tunji’s wife but I want to do something more that. I think I am ready to go back to work”. I explained.

My father did the dramatic pause thing he is known for and then he eventually spoke,“And what does your husband have to say about this”? He asked peering down at me from behind his reading glasses.

“I haven’t spoken to him yet. Before we got married we had this conversation and he didn’t seem very keen on it. I was hoping you would have a word with him, so we can reach a compromise”. I said.

My father laughed out loud for a few seconds and then said:“You will always be my princess, but my feedback on your request is simple; go home and talk to your husband”.

With that he picked up the newspaper he had been reading and I knew the conversation was over. I was too shocked to respond. My father had never said no to me prior to this!
… be continued.