Wednesday, 26th February 2025

The criminal in each of us – Part 1

By Seye Aluko
22 May 2024   |   3:40 am
This article is written to every criminal, and to all persons with criminal tendencies (such as kidnappers).
[FILES] Police officers search a car arriving from a neighbouring state at Ojodu Berger in Lagos, on August 3, 2022. – (Photo by Pius Utomi EKPEI / AFP)

This article is written to every criminal, and to all persons with criminal tendencies (such as kidnappers). It is written especially for those who are not restrained within the grim finality of prison walls, but who, nonetheless, can be called criminals due to their nefarious activities in the great outdoors.

Reader, consider the following Biblical verse:
“Righteous art thou, O Lord, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? Wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?” (Jeremiah 12:1).

These are profound questions, which touch upon the perceived inequalities in the fortunes of all men. Let us delve into the posers such as these that make it appear that many men who are evil, seem to be “better off” materially than those who choose to forge a more righteous path.

Reflect that in the mighty cosmos, there are many things that are mercifully granted for men to ‘see.’ However, there are also a host of things that are not to be seen because they are beyond the range of vision of the normal man. When a man ‘sleeps,’ and when he dreams, he often awakes into ‘a different world,’ which can be called ‘the afterlife,’ or the ‘other world,’ or the ‘spiritual world,’ or the ‘ethereal world,’ or the ‘beyond.’

Easy access to this ‘other world’ for human beings is not achievable by all men in an indiscriminate manner. Such access can be granted only to a select few (personalities) according to their state of spiritual maturity. Such access is given to them according to the dictates of the cosmos, and the irrevocable and imperturbable dice of fate.

Reader, to proceed, let us agree that when the human being is awake, he can see regular things (such as trees, mountains, and grass). When man is awake, he can peruse the various objects in the ‘seen’ world. But how restricted is the eyesight of any normal man!

The naked eye cannot even see the millions of germs that inhabit a drop of ordinary water. Such germs or ‘microbes’ in the drop of water escape his attention, and can only be seen through the magnification of the strong lenses of powerful optical instruments, such as microscopes, periscopes, and telescopes.

As can be deduced from the earlier statements, when a man sleeps, for a time he enters into ‘another world.’ But when he awakes, he again enters into this world, hitherto described as the “real world,” or the world of matter.

However, at earthly death, a man enters into the other world with finality, and does not return. He does not return to his “material body,” instead he enters into the beyond, which is a transitional plane to the world of spirits. The man is thus said to be ‘dead.’ Actually, he is not dead, but he has merely been translated into another state of being. He is not dead in the stricter sense of the word dead, he is actually very much alive, but in a different cloak!

Now, much has to be told about this afterlife, which consists of millions of locking and interlocking planes. A man, after his earthly death, progresses into these unseen planes, and he ends up exactly where he ‘deserves to be.’ After death, a man can also be reborn on earth in a phenomenon called ‘reincarnation.’ Reincarnation is a fact of life whereby a man is given repeated chances to uplift the quality of his soul. The topic of reincarnation will receive further mention in future write-ups, as there is no space to address it here.

When a man ‘dies’, he proceeds to a plane that accommodates other people, who have the same nature, character, or mindset as he does. This is why there is a ‘Paradise’ (heaven) in the afterlife, which exists for Godly souls who have fulfilled their earthly assignments.

But conversely in the afterlives, there are also the various “hells” which are inhabited by those degenerate souls who have by-passed their offered opportunities for advancement. These degenerate souls unfortunately consist of a greater part of today’s men on earth.

Thus, in these numerous hells, you have the host of murderers, liars, swindlers, thieves, fraudsters, confidence tricksters, rapists, assassins, counterfeiters, rogues, robbers, armed robbers, terrorists, bandits, drug barons (and their couriers), burglars, ritualists, advance fee fraudsters (419), smugglers, human traffickers, elephant, rhinoceros and walrus horns and teeth merchants, for the use in Chinese and Oriental medicines and ritual purposes.

Now reader, let us puzzle out why there is so much evil on today’s earth. Let us note that everything in nature leaves a trace of its thoughts, motions and intentions. Every ant, lion, squirrel, spider and every bird, leaves a trace of its movements. The same applies to every human being. Every man as he thinks, moves and speaks, leaves a track or trace of all his actions and inactions, activities and in-activities, and his deeds and misdeeds.

In this respect, all his activities are laid bare, weighed, processed, recorded, written down, and remembered in the annals of this great creation. Therefore, every human being (if he is ‘good’) will at his own designated time, have read out to him, the annals of his luminous deeds. However, if he is “bad” (evil), if he has perpetrated miscellaneous injustices and wickedness to his fellow men, he can, therefore, be called “evil.” And such men at their passing will be shown as in a play or film a record of their atrocities.

Thus, in this way, in the afterlife, there is the far-famed ‘Book of Life,’ the ‘Book of Memories’ and the ‘Book of Recollections.’ These books are opened to every man at his hour, individually, one by one, turn by turn, each man on his own, and he faces his dreaded ‘Day of Judgment.’

Kidnappers, how foolish are you! Do you think you can get away with all your crimes? You are like a fly enmeshed in the silken web of a death-dealing spider. You cannot escape! The Almighty God did not send you to this earth to become a tyrant and an impediment to your fellow men. And all you who are troubled and made to suffer do not fret neither cry out for vengeance. God is the judge. And He will repay.

Kidnappers, do you not perceive the pitiless path and stony road you have now elected to travel on? Kidnappers, for an appropriate example, let us look at the appliance known as the “mobile telephone.” This is the same handy device or instrument with which you callously terrorise your hapless victims, and to phone their friends and relatives to part with their hard-earned money when you demand for your outrageous ransoms.

Yes, you kidnappers, the mobile telephone is the very instrument you misuse with insolent impunity and abandon. You do this because the mobile phone is carried about by almost all men, including the poor palm wine tappers. Practically, everyone carries about a mobile telephone, which can be used and abused. That is why it is called a ‘mobile phone.’
To be continued.

Aluko wrote from the lecture, “The Destroyed Bridge,” (The Grail Message of Abd- ru- shin). He can be reached via: [email protected]

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