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Can Neil Raj’s approach to dentistry cure chronic pain?

By Guardian Nigeria
25 June 2024   |   2:44 am
Chronic Orofascial pain is a silent epidemic affecting millions worldwide, diminishing people’s quality of life. What many do not realize is that this can be intricately connected to overall body health. Challenging conventional wisdom about the separation between dental care and overall health, Holistic Dental Brunswick founder and principal dentist Dr. Neil Raj has a…

Chronic Orofascial pain is a silent epidemic affecting millions worldwide, diminishing people’s quality of life. What many do not realize is that this can be intricately connected to overall body health.

Challenging conventional wisdom about the separation between dental care and overall health, Holistic Dental Brunswick founder and principal dentist Dr. Neil Raj has a refreshing take that could change people’s thinking about this condition.


Chronic Pain Explained


Chronic tooth pain, or persistent dentoalveolar pain disorder (PDAP), refers to pain in the teeth and/or surrounding tissues that persist for over three months without any identifiable dental cause.


Unlike acute tooth pain, which typically stems from issues like cavities or infections, chronic tooth pain often has no clear underlying dental pathology. This can affect a person’s ability to eat, speak, and carry out daily activities, but it can worsen.


Chronic pain is a complex issue that is more than dental discomfort. “I view the body as an intricate, interconnected system,” he explains. “Imbalances in one area can manifest as pain in seemingly unrelated body parts.


Employing a combination of traditional dental techniques and alternative therapies to address chronic pain, Raj focuses on identifying and treating the underlying causes of pain with multiple approaches like Low Level Laser treatment (LLLT), Muscular Trigger Point releases etc rather than simply managing symptoms.

Dr. Neil Raj’s Holistic Philosophy vs. Traditional Dentistry

Raj views the mouth as a window into one’s whole health. Because chronic pain is a complex condition, it requires a multidisciplinary strategy for proper diagnosis and management. This may involve addressing misaligned bites or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

When a patient complains of tooth pain, a traditional dentist might simply recommend pain medication or fill a cavity.  Raj, however, investigates potential dental causes, such as jaw tension, that could trigger the pain. He believes addressing these root causes can provide more lasting relief than merely treating symptoms.

Raj’s practice also extends to his materials and techniques. To avoid adverse reactions in the body, he opts for biocompatible materials rather than mercury-containing amalgam fillings.

Interestingly, Raj strongly emphasizes patient education and preventive care. He proactively works with his patients to develop personalized oral health plans incorporating nutrition, stress management, and lifestyle factors.

“I even integrate techniques like mindful breathing exercises, which may seem weird to other people, but this makes me one step closer to successfully helping my patients live a better life,” he shares, adding that his methods also prevent future recurrences by addressing underlying issues.

A Perspective Backed By Science

While Raj’s approach to oral health may not be the norm, it is firmly rooted in science. It mirrors the growing body of research connecting oral health to a range of systemic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and even mental health issue.

“If you don’t take care for your oral health, other parts of your body will suffer,” He explains. Studies have shown that the same plaque that causes tooth decay and gum disease can contribute to plaque buildup in the arteries, leading to heart disease. Similarly, poor oral health has been linked to higher risks of lung disease due to the bacteria from the mouth traveling to the lungs.

Patient Testimonials and Case Studies

The effectiveness of Raj’s methods is best illustrated through the experiences of his patients. One long-time patient who had suffered from years of teeth grinding and jaw pain reported a life-changing experience. “As a chronic insomniac, I never imagined a dentist could help me sleep better. Dr. Raj identified how my teeth grinding affected my sleep quality and overall health. His comprehensive treatment plan has dramatically improved my sleep and energy levels.”


Another patient, who had been struggling with chronic migraines, found relief through Raj’s treatments, “After years of unexplained headaches, Dr. Raj discovered my bite was misaligned. He corrected my bite and also addressed other postural issues. The combination of dental work and targeted exercises has reduced my headaches dramatically. It’s like he solved a puzzle no one else could see,” she recalls.

Predictions and Emerging Trends in Dentistry and Expansion Plans

Current trends in dentistry align closely with Raj’s practice, including an increased focus on preventive care and a greater emphasis on the oral-systemic health connection. His philosophy reinforces that each patient is unique and that for dental care to be effective, he must consider the whole person, not just their teeth and gums.

The dentist plans to open a franchised clinic in Bangalore, India, this year. This expansion will bring holistic dentistry to new markets and potentially influence dental practices globally.

So, can his approach cure chronic pain? If the proof is in the pudding, Dr. Raj’s patients are smiling through their dessert.