Monday, 13th January 2025

Is there no balm in Gilead

By Chidi Okoroafor
25 March 2017   |   4:00 am
The Prophet Jeremiah was evidently worried about the poor spiritual state of the people of Israel. He was weeping over the spiritual condition of Israel and especially the godless state of Judah.
Chidi Okoroafor

Text: Jeremiah 8:20-22; Mark 6: 1-6

Key Verse: Jeremiah 8:22, “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any mighty miracles among them” (NIV).

The Prophet Jeremiah was evidently worried about the poor spiritual state of the people of Israel. He was weeping over the spiritual condition of Israel and especially the godless state of Judah. At that time, religious authority was being degraded, there was also lack of interest in their spiritual condition by the church leaders and the church was wrapped up in material and political gain instead of the people. So, Jeremiah began to ask rhetorical questions. In Jeremiah 8:5-6, he asked, “Why have this people slidden back? Why is Jerusalem in continual apostasy? No man repented of his wickedness saying, “What have I done!” Again he asked in Jeremiah 8:22, “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?” He saw people wounded and broken who needed healing.

After the captivity, Israel took the Promised Land, and Gilead, on the west side of the Jordan, became part of their land. The tribe of Gad settled there. The balm trade then became as Israeli one. (Ezk. 27:17) The reason for all this was that one of the trees there secreted turpentine like resin that was highly sought after because it was highly medicinal. It was used in the treatment of virtually all of human diseases. It is said that this balm was worth twice its weight in silver.

So, Jeremiah’s question is, “How can a people who traded in balm be so sick?” “How can the people of God, with the Law in their midst, be so sinful?!” What was the solution for the Israel? It was by simply using the balm that they already had.

Jeremiah’s worry, of course, was neither because there was no balm in Gilead nor because there was no physician. The problem was that the people utterly refused to avail themselves of the provisions of the balm and the care of the physician. They knew about the balm of Gilead: its medicinal and cosmetic values. They knew about the physician Jehovah Rapha, but they preferred something and someone else. This is the bug of familiarity.

Jeremiah pleaded to the leaders of the land and to the people to turn to God for guidance and help, but they refused to listen to him. He warned them of pending destruction, so they accused him of false prophecy and threw him in the dungeon to die.

Rejection is a devastating action against a person. How often you are tempted to neglect the things that are freely given to you. You look down on your Pentecostal heritage. You despise the ministry of your pastors, perhaps because they are not the flamboyant types. Jesus was rejected the most by those who He came to help (John 1:11). In Mark 6:5, the people of Nazareth did not receive miracles of healing and deliverance because they despised the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. It is not God’s fault. It is yours. If you reject the ministry of a Pastor, you can’t be blessed through that Pastor. Whatever you despise, you cannot attract. Do not look down on your Pastors. They are God’s messengers for you.

Why are you still living in sin, poverty and sickness? Are you not aware that the price for your redemption and healing has been paid by Jesus on the cross of Calvary? Are you not aware that there is balm in Gilead? Why are you still rejecting the message of salvation that was freely given to you for the salvation of your soul?

Is there no balm in Gilead? The short answer, in retrospect, is: Yes, there is. “There is a balm in Gilead, to make the wounded whole. There is a balm in Gilead, to heal the sin-sick soul.”

Today is the acceptable day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late for you; there is balm in Gilead.
Today’s Nugget: What you do not value will not benefit your life.

Prayer: Lord, help me learn to celebrate all the valuable people and things you have placed around me in Jesus Name, Amen.
Prayer lines: 09078154261.
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Chidi Okoroafor
General Superintendent
Assemblies of God Nigeria