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FXTM pledges to deepen forex education in Nigeria

By Chijioke Nelson
16 August 2015   |   10:01 pm
FXTM Nigeria has reiterated its commitment to the development of online foreign exchange (forex) trading in the country, as part of its efforts to boosting self-employment and trading losses associated with lack of knowledge.

ForexFXTM Nigeria has reiterated its commitment to the development of online foreign exchange (forex) trading in the country, as part of its efforts to boosting self-employment and trading losses associated with lack of knowledge.

The Country Director at FXTM Nigeria, Abiola Akinyele, who gave the assurance, while declaring the two-day conference for old, new and intending forex traders, at the Muson Centre, Lagos, at the weekend, said the core mission is to ensure that clients get the most value from their precious commodity- time.

“We are dedicated to making trading understandable to anyone who is looking for new investment opportunities in the evolving global marketplace. Our latest conference is expected to be the biggest forex conference of its kind in Nigeria, and will equip traders with all the necessary skills and strategies to make well-informed trades in the currency and commodity markets,” Akinyele said.

Speaking on the huge prospects in forex trading, he noted that one of the world’s richest men, George Soros, made his fortune from trading, as he was known as the man who broke the Bank of England and became the founder of the most successful fund in the world.

Akinyele assured participants that FXTM will unveil the real world of forex trading and “guide you through the forex era, the era that places your financial future in your hands. If there was ever a time to take the bull by the horns and look the bear square in the eye, it is now.”

Already, according to reports, global forex turnover reached $5.3 trillion per day in 2013, representing a 35 per cent rise from $4 trillion recorded in 2010.

Akinyele noted that the market is still large, but would require proper education to avoid getting into forex “trouble”, hence the company’s products and services were designed and tailored to ensure that clients’ individuals needs are met.

“At FXTM Nigeria, a representative partner of ForexTime, our goal is to offer our clients the best of customer service and support. We always go the extra mile to ensure that we provide the best of education to our clients. It is the reason for this 2015 ForexTime conference and workshop.

“We know Education is power and we understand that successful traders are educated traders. This is what I never had the opportunity, because those who taught us then understood next to nothing about forex. We paid to attend the seminars and got back home to realise that what we have been taught was not practicable and then, we get into lots of troubles.

“The good news today is that you have an advantage over us because you will be learning from the best. The cost of having this kind of education packaged from the conference could cost more than $1,000, but thanks to ForexTime, it is absolutely free.

“We believe that what you learn should be practicable and it is the confidence that those participating in the workshop will be bestowed, as the event will be fully hands on experience. We will follow our training with market research. We decided to bring our own research team who would be shedding more light on the outlook for the rest of 2015,” he said.