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Boko Haram and human explosives

By Abuede Oladapo Christopher
27 August 2015   |   3:54 am
The trend of terrorism in the world in general perpetuated by other Islamic and non-Islamic terrorist organisations and in Nigeria in particular carried out by the Boko Haram terrorist organisations, consisting of myopic crazy hypnotised unholy and unpatriotic fellows is getting out of hand and at sometime taking a new coward turn, by boycotting the normal military tactics battle which they opted for as men fighting for just course (according to their baseless beliefs).

suicide-bomberThe trend of terrorism in the world in general perpetuated by other Islamic and non-Islamic terrorist organisations and in Nigeria in particular carried out by the Boko Haram terrorist organisations, consisting of myopic crazy hypnotised unholy and unpatriotic fellows is getting out of hand and at sometime taking a new coward turn, by boycotting the normal military tactics battle which they opted for as men fighting for just course (according to their baseless beliefs).

In view of this, Trucee International Organisation condemned in totality as usual through it Public Relation Officer, Abuede Oladapo Christopher, the newly adapted inhuman and senseless means of this so called myopic Boko Haram unleashing their devilish and unholy act of terrors on unsuspected and good patriotic Nigerians alike, mostly in the Northeastern part of the country through the use of Innocent, choice less kidnapped children and the less privileged ones as it was the case in Lagos International Airport (but was promptly prevented by Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria Security men on duty sometimes ago)as means of explosives devices.

On this note we want the so call Boko Haram to know that it is only a coward soldiers (which, of course, they are not and can never be) that hurts children, special people, women and the old as weapons of any kind before or during and after a war. In clear terms, it’s unacceptable by God Almighty in whose name they claim to fight and the entire human race alike.

So, we employ them to stop the use of innocent children (our future leaders) mostly females as means of explosive devices as it’s highly prevailing now in the Northeastern part of the country.

The new havoc wreaking tactics mostly involved young innocent hypnotized female children between the ages of 10 to15years old, dressed in hijab dress to cover up their under strapped improvised explosive devices so as not to be noticed by security personnel and patriotic citizens going about their lawful daily activities before perpetuating their evil act via detonation of such devices, and leading to lost of lives of the suicide bombers and countless people around during the time of detonations.

These evil acts are mostly aimed at in highly human flowing traffic places as bus packs like the case of Kano, Abuja and Borno bomb blasts.

Tertiary institutions such as the case in Kano State the other day when a young female suicide bomber detonated the explosive device strapped on her under her hijab dress amidst crowd of graduating students checking their National Youth Service Corps posting on the Administrative Block Notice Board of Kano State Polytechnic in 2014 killing three including the suicide bomber and injuring many others.

In the same Kano during holy Sallah celebration, there were five different explosions by five suicide bombers in five different densely populated human gathering in the state, killing scores of people including all the suicide bombers and injuring countless people during the celebration.

More so, the Abuja plaza bombing, fortunately Trucee International Headquarter office was affected too, with many lives lost and scores seriously injured in the entire plaza blast and lastly to list a few: Churches and Mosques bombing during services and prayer sessions is nothing to write home about, which clearly shows the insurgents primordial viciousness against the entire patriotic citizens of Nigeria, to kill, destroy and steal us all showing they are devil’s advocate.

For this reason we employ all meaningful patriotic Nigerians irrespective of our religious background, to please encourage our military and every other security agencies involved in this fight through prayers.

Prayers are the only spiritual key solutions to fighting these evil, blood thirsty, hypnotized, unholy, senseless beasts in human clothing, by seeking God’s intervention in this grievous Boko Haram terrorist problems we find ourselves.

As a nation and on our own part, we should report immediately any suspicious person or group of persons to the appreciate security agencies.

Remember Boko Haram sect members are not ghost. They live and perpetuate their havoc wreaking evils amidst us and they are easily given away by their odd looks and attitudes.

May God help and bless Nigeria. Say no to Boko Haram; say no to terrorism in general. • Christopher is the public relations officer of Trucee International, a non-governmental organisation.