Nobody may remember this, but a big chunk of the effort to eradicate polio in Nigeria was initiated by Rotary International worldwide and Nigeria. As far back as in the 1970s, Rotary Districts all over this country mobilized people and resources. Working quietly with government agencies into the remotest corners to immunize potential polio victims, sometimes under conditions inimical to their own health, Rotary.mobilised their members as well as Rotaractors in tertiary institutions and Interactors in secondary schools to pursue their objective. With relief, we thank Rotary International and the government of Nigeria. If a similar attention is directed henceforth at eradicating corruption, and with the same intensity, cooperation and selflessness, current 20-year-old Nigerians, yea Africans, will see the end of corruption in their lifetime. Vive le Rotary! Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!