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The names of Jesus in the book of revelation – Part 14

By Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide
08 April 2018   |   1:19 am
The truth,” “The truth” (tēn alētheian) in the NT is primarily God’s revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ. Jesus was and is “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). “Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:17).
Emeritus Prof. Mercy Olumide

“The truth,” “The truth” (tēn alētheian) in the NT is primarily God’s revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ. Jesus was and is “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). “Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). He is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). The gospel is the word of truth (Col 1:5; 2 Thes 2:13). Rom 1:25 speaks of those who exchange “the truth of God into a lie’ (Gk to pseudei, lit. “the lie”) of Satan. At the End Time, for those who “received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved” (2 Thes 2:10); God shall send a “strong delusion, that they should believe a lie” (2 Thes 2:11). The truth sets us free; the lie brings us into the slavery of deception; the lie is destructive. We are called to love Jesus and His Word and thereby know the truth that sets us free.

Truth John uses the Greek word for “truth” 25 times and links it closely with Jesus, Who is the truth. The truth. A key emphasis in this Gospel.“I am” (John 6:35) The first of seven self-descriptions of Jesus introduced by “I am” (see Jn 8:12; (9:5;) 10:7, 9; 10:11,14; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1,5). In the Greek the words are solemnly emphatic and echo (Ex 3:14).

“the way” To God, Jesus is not one way among many, but the only way (see Acts 4:12); Heb 10:19-20. In the early church, Christianity was sometimes called “the Way” (see e.g. Acts 9:2).“the life” (Jn 1:4). One of the great concepts of this Gospel. The Greek word for “life” is found 36 times in John, while no other NT book uses it more than 17 times. Life is Christ’s gift (10:28), and he, in fact, is “the life” (14:6).

Let Jesus—the Creator be your only standard of truth because He is “truth” (Jn 1:17; 14:6,17; 15:1; Rev 19:11)“Who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.” (Rom 1:25)

People tend to believe lies that reinforce their own selfish, personal beliefs. Today, more than ever, we need to be careful about the input we allow to form our beliefs. With TV, music, movies, and the rest of the media often presenting sinful life-styles and unwholesome values, we find ourselves constantly bombarded by attitudes and beliefs that are totally opposed to the Bible. Be careful about what you allow to form your opinions.

The Bible—The Word of God—Jesus is the living Word of God (Rev 19:13). The Bible is the written Word of God—is the only standard of truth. Evaluate all other opinions in light of its teachings.

The opposite of “truth” is “lie”“But outside are…whoever loves and practices a lie.” (Rev 22:15). “whoever loves and practices a lie.” Notice how the last two chapters of the Bible focus on the issue of lying.
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