Wednesday, 5th March 2025

The New Man (4)

By Enoch Adeboye
28 February 2015   |   11:00 pm
MEMORY Verse:“ ….God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost… power: who went about doing good…healing all… oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him. ” Acts 10:38 Bible Passages: Mark 16:15-18, Acts 2:41-47 Introduction   We have learnt that the new man is known by his sanctified life controlled by the Holy…

MEMORY Verse:“ ….God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost… power: who went about doing good…healing all… oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him. ” Acts 10:38

Bible Passages: Mark 16:15-18, Acts 2:41-47


  We have learnt that the new man is known by his sanctified life controlled by the Holy Spirit. We will now learn about how the new man ministers in power just as The Lord Jesus did. The power is living proof that the Holy Spirit and not the flesh is at work in the new man

Powerful Ministry

  There can be no better example of how to be imbued with great power from above than the life of our Lord Jesus, Who conquered death and all its agents and made a public show of them, Acts 2:22. He went about doing good preaching, teaching, counseling, healing, helping, blessing, defending, giving, forgiving and delivering the oppressed, Acts 10:38. He was outstandingly known for power, extraordinary miracles, signs and wonders. God was with Him, Mk.1: 14-15, 21-22; 23-24, 40-45. Nothing less than the Master’s perfect example is expected of the new man, Mk. 16:15-18. The new man, as a carrier of the Holy Spirit, is empowered to be a true witness of the Lord Jesus Christ everywhere at all time, Acts 1:8. He has the mandate of the Master to ‘GO’ and with a full assurance of His sure presence, Mt. 28:18-20.

Living Proof

  The “Acts of the Apostles” is indeed a record of the acts and miracles of the first or early believers and disciples of Jesus, who either walked with Him or in His footsteps and had some of their awesome experiences recorded. Their record will always inspire contemporary believers and of course set out God’s expectation of the new man, Acts 2:14-37, 38-41, 42-47, Acts 3: 1-9, Acts 4:7-14, Acts 5:1-11, in signs and wonders, Acts. 5:12, Acts 6:8, He must bear enduring fruits, Jn.15: 16, Acts 14:1. And plant churches by starting house fellowships Acts 18:1-11, 24-28, Acts 19:1-7, Rom. 16:1-5. 


  You will break forth in the newness of life and everything in your life will indeed become new. Old things will pass away as the new wine overflows in your ministry and life, in the mighty name of Jesus.