An Evening of Worship with Gospel Saxophonist Adedoyin Oseni

On the lovely evening of February 25th, 2024, Sheffield witnessed a spectacular musical spectacle organised by none other than the virtuoso saxophonist, Adedoyin Oseni. With over 250 people in attendance, Oseni arranged a “Evening of Worship” that echoed through the souls of everyone present, transcending decades.

The performance was a symphony of genres, with Oseni on saxophone leading the ensemble through an intricate mix of traditional and western gospel tunes. He was accompanied by musical superstars such as Theophilus Ogheneogaga, whose violin captivated the audience, and Angela Ohiorenoya, whose mellifluous singing enchanted everyone who listened.

Nonetheless, this soiree went beyond mere musical presentation, becoming into a haven of human connection. It resembled a familial embrace, with links formed and spirits connected, creating a sense of warmth and togetherness.

Behind the scenes, Oseni and his loyal crew worked tirelessly, supported by the caring embrace of RCCG Victory Assembly in Sheffield, which served as both a rehearsal space and a stage for the major event. Their efforts bore fruit, creating an atmosphere that left attendees wanting more.
Driven by a clear goal, Oseni hopes to use his music as a conduit for good, aiming to uplift lives and shower benefits on humanity. This noble mindset fuels his desires to host more saxophone performances, where he hopes to establish an even deeper relationship with the community, sharing joy and harmony with each note.

Because saxophonist-only concerts are uncommon in Nigeria, the expectation for what lies ahead is palpable, a peak of excitement leading to an event destined to etch itself into the annals of musical history as he hopes to inspire other saxophonists in Nigeria while also working on his album, which is set to be released in December.


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