Monday, 9th September 2024


By Guardian Nigeria
08 September 2024   |   11:00 am
The collapse of corporate organizations is linked to several factors. While we cannot disregard the force majeure phenomenon, failure to comply with best global practices top the list of business risks. As businesses struggle for survival due to growing challenges, a number of them would rather stick to high standards of quality that their brand…

The collapse of corporate organizations is linked to several factors. While we cannot disregard the force majeure phenomenon, failure to comply with best global practices top the list of business risks.

As businesses struggle for survival due to growing challenges, a number of them would rather stick to high standards of quality that their brand names are known for.

It goes without saying that these businesses have integrity ingrained in their operations; in fact, they have included it into their mission statements such that individuals of high repute and honor occupy their board and management positions.

Despite the fact that there are some companies that do not implement global practices in their daily operations, many more in the nation have demonstrated beyond doubt that they value their integrity by upholding ethical standards in their respective industries while continuing to be truthful in their local and international business dealings.

In this special report titled Integrity In Business- Special Report on Firms with Integrity and High Ethical Values, we will be unveiling some reputable firms in the corporate environment that have operated over the years with no blemish at local and international levels and can be relied upon business-wise.


As the dynamics of risks and security continue to change in our increasingly open world, Thems Security Systems Limited, a professional security guard services company in Nigeria retooled and restructured to enable society to secure assets and resources better.

With the world evolving dramatically with assets progressing from tangible to intangibles, cashless society, and emerging cyber and electronic security vulnerabilities, the dynamics of security risks and its control have to be one step ahead.

Thems Security has adapted to these changes by deepening its technical capacity and focusing on scaling its human capital assets to offer industry-leading expertise to an increasingly sophisticated clientele.

This is reflected in its revenue, which has grown by more than 15% annually over the past six years, without mergers or acquisitions. In an interview with Charles Dare, Managing Director of Thems Security Sysytems, Dr (Amb) Ezekiel Isidahomen speaks about the core values that make the company stand out in the safety sector…

“Thems Security Systems Limited is known for its integrity in operations and decision-making. We have implemented several measures to ensure that daily operational activities are integrity-driven. These include establishing a strong code of conduct and ethical policy, organizing training on integrity and ethics, conducting thorough background checks and vetting of employees, transparent and accountable decision-making processes, engaging with clients and stakeholders transparently and honestly, providing incentives for ethical behaviors, encouraging employee/client feedback and suggestions, and continuously reviewing and updating policies and procedures.

“These measures foster a culture of integrity and ethics, promote ethical decision-making, and reinforce industry standards and best practices. The core values that have driven Thems Security Systems Limited over the years include honesty, transparency, and ethics.

“The company takes full responsibility for its actions and outcomes, prioritizes safeguarding people, assets, and interests, delivers high-quality services, and aims to exceed client’s expectations.

“It also prioritizes client satisfaction, maintains professionalism, and ensures adherence to industry standards and best practices. Through these values, the company has built trust with clients and stakeholders, fostering a culture of accountability and responsibility.”

Enhancing Skills of Personnel Through Training and Latest Security Equipment

At Thems Security, we continuously enhance the skills of our personnel through training opportunities and the adoption of the latest security equipment. This includes regular training sessions, workshops, and seminars on the latest security techniques and technologies, attendance at industry conferences, enrollment in certification courses, regular on-the-job training, and mentorship programs for new recruits.

We also provide hands-on training on the latest security equipment and collaborate with equipment manufacturers for training and technical support. There are numerous challenges facing the private security business in Nigeria, including regulatory challenges such as undue delay in license renewal, competition from unregistered and unlicensed/illegal companies engaging in undercutting prices, and challenges related to trust and credibility.

To address these challenges, private security companies in Nigeria should advocate for stricter enforcement of regulations, educate clients on the benefits of employing licensed and registered security companies, and report unregistered and unlicensed operations to the appropriate authorities. Additionally, businesses are encouraged to establish transparent and accountable business practices and engage in community education to mitigate the challenges related to trust and credibility.

Thems Security Systems Limited is a professional security guard services company in Nigeria. The company has restructured to adapt to changing security risks and technology, focusing on integrity, ethics, and client satisfaction. To ensure integrity-driven operations, the company has implemented measures such as a strong code of conduct, ethical training, and transparent decision-making processes.

Thems Security continuously enhances personnel skills through training and the adoption of the latest security equipment.


Challenges facing the private security business in Nigeria include regulatory issues, competition from unregistered/illegal companies, and trust and credibility concerns.

To address these, advocating for stricter enforcement of regulations, educating clients, and establishing transparent business practices are essential.

Private security firms should invest in non-lethal technologies and training and also collaborate with state security agencies for support.

Collaboration Between Private Security Firms And National Security Agencies

The collaboration between private security firms and national security agencies, especially the police, can significantly help in addressing crime in Nigeria. It is essential for private security firms to gather and share information on criminal activities with the police to enhance their understanding of crime patterns.

Private security firms have extensive networks and closer relationships with local communities, which allows them to gather information in real time and respond quickly to incidents, thus aiding in joint operations with the police.

Additionally, private security firms can provide financial resources to enhance police capabilities and offer specialized skills such as forensic analysis and cybercrime investigations. However, challenges such as trust, communication, and conflicting interests must be addressed to ensure successful collaboration.

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) has performed well in licensing and regulating private security firms, despite limited resources. However, delays in the licensing application process due to inadequate staffing and financial resources are hindering its effectiveness.

NSCDC has clear guidelines and regulations for private security firms and conducts monitoring and inspections to ensure compliance. It also investigates allegations of misconduct and prosecutes offenders in collaboration with relevant authorities.

The security industry is experiencing unprecedented growth due to rising concerns about global instability, insecurity, and cyber threats. As a prominent security solutions provider, Thems Security Systems Limited has significant growth prospects in expanding its portfolio to meet the increasing demand for effective security measures.

Assessing the Performance of NSCDC

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) has managed to perform well in licensing and regulating private security firms, despite limited resources. However, there are delays in the licensing application process due to inadequate staffing and financial resources, which are hindering its effectiveness.

The security industry is experiencing unprecedented growth driven by rising concerns about global instability, cybersecurity threats, and the need for advanced protective measures.

Thems Security Systems Limited has significant growth prospects in expanding its portfolio to meet the increasing demand for effective security measures.