Friday Worship
15 Nov
The Muslim Community of Lagos State (MCL) has appointed the former Commissioner for Home Affairs and Culture, Alhaji Muhammad Bello Oyinlomo Danmole as president.
15 Nov
Hibah Consulting Limited proudly presents the return of "Business The Way Allah Wants It" (BTWAWI) 3.0 in Lagos. The Lagos Edition will be coming up on November 17, 2024, 9:00 AM at the Arcade, Eko Club, Surulere, Lagos. Founded in 2022, BTWAWI has successfully hosted two annual editions in Lagos, Nigeria after the maiden edition…
15 Nov
Yes. Marriage is a lottery”. “No. It is not. It is not meant to be!”. No matter your perspective, the institution of marriage is as old as the human civilization. It is because Prophet Adam and Hawa (upon them be peace) were tied together
8 Nov
The Senate has urged state governments to improve access roads to railway stations, emphasising that a modernised rail system with robust
8 Nov
The premises of Ansar-Ud-Deen High School, Falolu, Surulere, Lagos, was aglow when the old students of 1979/84 set from different parts of the globe converged
8 Nov
The stories of the Qur’an are one of the very essential sciences, relevant to the core of the Qur’an and reason those stories will continue t
1 Nov
The challenges facing Muslim communities in Yorubaland are numerous and complex, ranging from socio-political fragmentation and economic disparities to issues of educational inequality and intergenerational conflicts.
1 Nov
The Jama-at-ulIslamiyya of Nigeria, Lagos Branch, has inducted 10 new Imams to pilot the spiritual activities of the organization.
1 Nov
A newly established Islamic society, Allahumuiz Islamic Association, has encouraged Muslims to rejuvenate their faith in the service of Allah (SWT) as the group felicitated with Muslims all over the world on the commemoration of the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
18 Oct
Sometimes, the Servant of Allaah wishes there was no crises between Ali and Muawiya. But this will still not have prevented the emergence of the Mu’tazilite, the Shia’, the Sabais, the Khawaarij, the Assaasin, the Mongols, the Turks and, then, the emergence of Umar bn Abdul Azeez, Salaudeen Ayyubi, Hassan al Bana, Maududi, Sayyid Qutub etc, etc.
18 Oct
The Lutfullah International has joined millions worldwide to celebrate Maolud Nabiyy, the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), with prayers, salutations and festivities.
11 Oct
Today, we gather under the auspices of Robitatu-l-Aimmah wal Ulamoh fi Bilaadi Yoruba, the League of Imams and Alfas in Yorubaland, to discuss a theme of paramount importance: “Strengthening Islamic Unity and Progress in Yoruba Land.”