Articles by Nonso Obikili
22 May 2018
The unemployment challenge has been the focus of policy discussions recently. Just to give a brief background of the problem, the unemployment rate has risen to 18.8 percent as at the third quarter of 2017, the last time we measured it.
8 May 2018
Unless you have not been paying attention at all, you probably know that the Nigerian economy is dangerously dependent on crude oil. Not in the sense that it is the only thing we do, but there are sections of the economy that are completely reliant on crude oil.
17 Apr 2018
You may not have heard, but there is an ongoing environmental disaster in Port-Harcourt. I’m not talking about the typical oil-bunkering related spills but something that is a lot more serious.
12 Apr 2018
Air travel in Africa can be notoriously difficult relative to most other parts of the world. Tickets are significantly more costly for similar flight times and distances.
3 Apr 2018
The big economic news over the last month was Nigeria’s refusal to sign up to the agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
20 Mar 2018
Reducing unemployment, from the perspective of the businesses who employ people, is all about the costs and quality of labour. Wage levels are still considered the most important factor internationally, in terms of where to locate business, especially in sectors that have high labour absorption capacity.
6 Mar 2018
I have received a lot of questions about the Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) foreign reserves recently. The CBN has of course been touting the reserves growing from a low of about $24bn to the approximately $42bn it is now. The questions typically centre around why we are keeping so much in reserve when the…
20 Feb 2018
We seem to be very fond of protectionist trade policy in Nigeria, especially with regards to food. We already know how the story goes. Ban the imports of a particular food because we could and should be producing it locally.
6 Feb 2018
The unemployment problem should not be news to Nigerians. Unless you have not been paying attention, you probably know that the rate of unemployment has been going up over the past few years.
23 Jan 2018
The violence between farmers and herdsmen has taken a new dimension in recent weeks. Indeed, the problems are not new, and many have been warning about the potential for an escalation in violence for months. Since the issue remains on the front burner, it is useful to get a sense of what the underlying issues…
9 Jan 2018
The Nigerian economy seems to be synonymous with fuel scarcity. It does not seem to matter which regime is in charge, every couple of years, or in some cases months, the problem of fuel scarcity rears its ugly head.
19 Dec 2017
Human beings in general are lazy. We thrive on being able to get the most amount of benefits with the least amount of effort. Scientists argue that this is a feature left over from our time as hunter-gatherers when energy conservation was important.