Diri flags off education transformation programme

Over 2,000 teachers and head teachers drawn from four councils have concluded Bayelsa Promoting Reform to Improve and Modernise Education (BayelsaPRIME) induction training.

Over 2,000 teachers and head teachers drawn from four councils have concluded Bayelsa Promoting Reform to Improve and Modernise Education (BayelsaPRIME) induction training.

BayelsaPRIME was introduced by Diri to revolutionise teaching and learning in state primary schools.

The programme, managed by Bayelsa State Ministry of Education and Bayelsa State Universal Basic Education Board (Bayelsa SUBEB), use technology-based teaching tools to improve pupils’ participation in classroom, learning outcomes and school attendance.
Teachers, in the four pilot council areas, will no longer face the drudgery of preparing lesson notes, as lessons will be delivered to them through their teacher-tablets weekly. They will also receive continuous support and teacher professional development throughout the school calendar.

Additionally, all data collection processes, including marking of teacher and pupil arrival in schools and recording of examination scores, will be carried out, using the tablets. The data will be housed in a server that will support empirical policymaking.

Commissioner for Education, Dr. Gentle Emelah, said at the graduation ceremony: “Douye Diri conceptualised this policy in response to challenges facing our educational system.

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