Enjoy Your Weekend With This Easy Porn Star Martini Recipe

Porn Star Martini
Enjoy your weekend with this easy to follow porn star martini cocktail recipe. Photo - Kitchenswagger.com

As the weekend sets upon us, there’s nothing like enjoying a chilled homemade cocktail to kickstart your relaxation time. If you want a drink that is both easy to make, only requires a few ingredients, and helps you to unwind, look no further than this porn star martini.

Origin of the porn star martini

This drink was created by Douglas Ankrah, a bartender and the co-founder of London’s Academy of Bartenders (LBA). Originally called the “Maverick Martini,” the drink was named after a South African club. But it later became well known by the name, “Porn Star Martini.” This is especially because the main ingredient is a passion fruit, which is an aphrodisiac. Over the years, due to its controversial name, it is now called a Passion Star or Passion Fruit Martini.

Here’s how you can make this cocktail at home with or without alcohol:


Pornstar martini
Porn Star Martini. Photo – Kitchen Sanctuary

With Alcohol:
50ml Vanilla Vodka
25ml Passion Fruit Liqueur
25ml Passion Fruit Purée
15ml Lime Juice
10ml Vanilla Syrup
Prosecco (to serve on the side)

Without Alcohol:
50ml Passion Fruit Juice
25ml Non-Alcoholic Vanilla Syrup
25ml Passion Fruit Purée
15ml Lime Juice
Sparkling Water (to serve on the side)


1. Prepare the ingredients

Gather all your ingredients and ensure they are chill for freshness.

2. Mix the cocktail

In a shaker, combine the vanilla vodka (or passion fruit juice for the non-alcoholic version), passion fruit liqueur, passion fruit purée, lime juice, and vanilla syrup.

Add ice to the shaker and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds to thoroughly mix and chill the ingredients.

3. Serve

Strain the mixture into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with half a passion fruit to add a touch of elegance.

Serve with a shot of Prosecco (or sparkling water for the non-alcoholic version) on the side. The Prosecco is meant to be sipped together with the cocktail for a sharp contrast.

Tips for the perfect porn star martini

1. Use fresh ingredients: Using fresh passion fruit purée and freshly squeezed lime juice will enhance the flavour of your cocktail.
2. Chill your glass: For an extra feel of sophistication, chill your martini glass in the freezer before serving.
3. Adjust the sweetness: Feel free to adjust the amount of vanilla syrup to suit your taste preferences.


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