Friday, 13th September 2024

Group to bridge gap in local, global healthcare standards

By Ijeoma Thomas-Odia
13 September 2024   |   2:22 am
A private healthcare organisation - GETMEDCO is pioneering personalised healthcare services in the country, which will significantly bridge the gap between local and global standards particularly in rural areas.

A private healthcare organisation – GETMEDCO is pioneering personalised healthcare services in the country, which will significantly bridge the gap between local and global standards particularly in rural areas.

According to the organisation’s founder, Dr Ena Tychus, embracing innovative healthcare practices and maintaining a relentless focus on patient well-being will achieve excellence in medical care.

Tychus said: “The country also faces brain drain, as many healthcare professionals emigrate, leaving a shortage of skilled workers. Primary care is often scarce and cultural and language barriers can impede effective care.

“Financial constraints further limit access to healthcare, and outdated practices and limited access to accurate health information hinder progress.” Tychus’ mission with GETMEDCO is to inspire transformative change in global medical practice, beginning with Nigeria – her home country. Her extensive experience and passion for patient-centric care have culminated in the creation of a concierge medical service that prioritises care, convenience, and confidentiality.

The organisation operates on the principle that healthcare should be as unique as the individuals receiving it, ensuring that each patient is treated as one-of-one as opposed to one-of-many when being administered healthcare.