Saturday, 7th September 2024
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Roche, OncoPadi partner on breast cancer awareness, screening

By Gbenga Salau
07 September 2024   |   4:04 am
Roche, a multinational healthcare company, has announced the signing of a strategic agreement with Oncopadi, a provider of digital integrated healthcare services to drive awareness and support breast cancer screening for early detection and quick referrals for diagnosis and treatment.
[FILE PHOTO] Breast cancer

Roche, a multinational healthcare company, has announced the signing of a strategic agreement with Oncopadi, a provider of digital integrated healthcare services to drive awareness and support breast cancer screening for early detection and quick referrals for diagnosis and treatment.

This partnership aims to screen 5,000 women for breast cancer across Nigeria as well as follow up counselling and navigation up to 12 months after screening.
Women with suspected lumps are assured of personalised care and follow ups through the innovative PROSECare App powered by Oncopadi Tech.

Through this agreement, Roche is demonstrating its commitment to supporting early detection which is one of the critical elements needed to reduce breast cancer mortality in the country.

The ultimate goal is to ensure that every person screened for breast cancer receives an accurate, timely diagnosis and is quickly referred for onward care which maximises the chances of positive treatment outcomes.

“Access to screening and early diagnosis is a pivotal step to win the fight against breast cancer,” said Dr. Ladi Hameed,General Manager, Roche Products Limited.

“By partnering with Oncopadi, we are ensuring critical screening services are more accessible to Nigerians, regardless of their geographic location or financial situation. This collaboration underscores our commitment to ensuring four-in-five women survive breast cancer five years after diagnosis.”

The Oncopadi PROSECare app will integrate awareness and screening services into its existing care pathways.

providing seamless referrals and ensuring that patients receive post screening results quickly and efficiently. This integration will enable cancer specialists within a network of 100 healthcare providers to collaborate effectively and make informed timely decisions to significantly reduce the time to breast cancer diagnosis.

“We are excited to partner with Roche to enhance the levels of breast cancer care for women in Nigeria,” said Dr. Omolola Salako, CEO of Oncopadi. “This partnership will allow us to offer widespread screening and awareness services. Together, Oncopadi and Roche are taking a significant step forward in the fight against breast cancer.”

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