Financial Autonomy: CAC tasks citizens to call out non-performing local councils

The Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide has stressed the need for people at the grassroots to monitor the performances of their various council authorities and ask questions when necessary.

By Kehinde Olatunji

The Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide has stressed the need for people at the grassroots to monitor the performances of their various council authorities and ask questions when necessary.

The President of CAC Worldwide, Dr. Henry Ojo, in an interview during the 28th anniversary of Christ Apostolic Church Arogungbogunmi International, Ibadan, described a situation where the governors pocket the local councils in their states as unhealthy.

Applauding the Supreme Court judgment, which granted financial autonomy to local councils, he said it was heartwarming that citizens can now hold the local government responsible for non-performance.

He faulted the 1999 Constitution, which he noted was foisted on the people by the military, saying that it armed those in government with excessive power.

Ojo said: “I discovered that it is not the problem of those who are in government. It is the problem of the constitution. Our constitution is corrupt and needs to be rewritten. A situation where the governors pocket the local councils could not help. Now, we can hold the local government responsible if there is no development.”

Ojo praised Prophet Richard Kolawole, who is the General Evangelist of CAC Worldwide, as well as the President of CAC Arogungbogunmi International in soul winning, saying: “My word to Christians all over the world is to be steadfast. We are coming closer to the end of the world. What is happening across the globe is a sign that the coming of the Lord is at hand. The Church should prepare for the rapture of believers.”

Meanwhile, the General Evangelist of CAC Worldwide has attributed the success story of CAC Arogungbogunmi International to full commitment to the leading of God.

Kolawole said: “Christ Apostolic Church Arogungbogunmi clocks 28 today. This church is in a pagan community. It was the grace of God that made this church to stand till today. It was not an easy task for this church to survive here.

“We thank God. We showed the people love. Before you can win a soul for Christ, you must use the principle of love. I can tell you categorically, 85 per cent of the entire population of this church are converts. We didn’t bring members of other churches to this place. God used us to win souls for Christ here. Those who are here were those whose hearts were won to Christ through the ministration here, not members of other churches. They were won to Christ through the ministration by this church.”

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