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Easter values your child should imbibe

By Ijeoma Thomas-Odia
08 April 2023   |   4:03 am
It’s another Easter season! It is that time of the year when Christians are made to reflect on the death and resurrection of the Saviour, Jesus Christ, and celebrate, says Rita Bada, lead speaker for a teens-based outfit, Riospeaks.
PHOTO CREDIT: Madame Norie

It’s another Easter season! It is that time of the year when Christians are made to reflect on the death and resurrection of the Saviour, Jesus Christ, and celebrate, says Rita Bada, lead speaker for a teens-based outfit, Riospeaks.

This season talks of how one can truly live a better life by accepting the Love of Christ and walking in it.

As children and teenagers are made to spend at least a two-week holiday this period, which marks the end of the second term, parents should encourage their wards and children to learn new skills like knitting, singing, baking pastries or playing musical instruments.

According to Nigeria’s foremost teens coach, who organises workshops and seminars for teenagers, reinforcing their existing skills is also a good habit to imbibe this season.

“And while they are actively engaged in acquiring new skills plus sharpening the old ones, they should not be overloaded with too much book work. They can also learn new things from visits to various places. For example, a visit to the zoo or a tourist attraction is an opportunity to learn about nature and its beauty. Remember this holiday is short, therefore, make it memorable for your children,” Bada said.

Bada stressed that children should not be burdened with too much book work because their young body system needs the break to unwind and refresh as this will give them the needed strength and vigour to face a fresh term once they resume.

On values that accompany the Easter season, which children should imbibe, she noted: “Honestly speaking, children should not be left to themselves during this season. Every parent must intentionally take out time to impart good values and other virtues that will outlive this current dispensation.

“Values like kindness, simple courtesy, selflessness, love and empathy are to be learnt at home during game times. Play games with your children because game times are great opportunities to teach great values. As they are laughing and catching fun, the truth is sinking into their hearts. For instance, during a game of chess, children can learn how their everyday decisions can make or mar their future. This is because every move you make matters a lot to the overall success or failure of the team.”

On the importance of positive values to kids and their well being, Bada said that when children learn positive values, it remains with them for life.

“Most recently, my children came home all excited about the end-of-term and the next question was, so how are we spending this Easter holiday?

“I have actually been anticipating that question because they had a special visit during each holiday or something special to do. So for this term’s holiday, I calmly sat them down and we had a discussion on the most important reason for the holiday and what is mostly required as touching personal development and value added activities. After this discussion, they had a change of mind and started to do things themselves plus learn new skills. As we speak, my little girl is improving her knitting skills and selling her products while her brothers are improving their football skills.”

Bada added that parents should take into account that children learn faster by what they see you do. “So, intentionally go out of your way to engage them. Ask them questions. Don’t be in a hurry to shut them down. Listen, learn, unlearn and relearn. Go the extra mile. Be available and accessible. Grow everyday with your children and you would be amazed at the amount of transformation going on within,” she added.