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Groundnut Soup (Omisagwe) Recipe

By Stephanie Omovbude
13 September 2020   |   9:00 am
Groundnut soup, also known as peanut soup, has peanuts as its primary ingredient. Although it is a favourite of the Esans and Esakos, Ghanaians also consume this delicacy and have its name as Nkatenkwan in Akan language. There is a reason why this is a special delicacy with peoples of a place. Ingredients 1 cup,…
Groundnut Soup
Groundnut Soup | Photo The Kitchen Muse

Groundnut soup, also known as peanut soup, has peanuts as its primary ingredient. Although it is a favourite of the Esans and Esakos, Ghanaians also consume this delicacy and have its name as Nkatenkwan in Akan language. There is a reason why this is a special delicacy with peoples of a place.


  • 1 cup, Groundnut (roasted or raw)
  • Assorted meats
  • Chopped onions
  • 1 medium-size dried stockfish
  • Fresh pepper
  • Palm oil
  • Crayfish
  • 1/2 Bitter leaves
  • 1/4 cup, Uziza seeds
  • 1/4 Efinrin /Basil leaves (optional)


  1. In a medium-sized pot, Season and boil assorted meat with chopped onions, salt and seasoning.
  2. Dry roast the groundnut and uziza seed for 3 minutes in a frying pan shaking the pan regularly. I find that roasting spices and nut in a pan release oils and intensifies the flavour.
  3. Blend the groundnut and the uziza seeds until you achieve finely textured powder and set aside. The longer you blend, you will notice the powder transforming into a paste. This is as a result of the oils in the nuts and seeds. Roughly blend the pepper and set aside.
  4. When the meat is tender, shred stockfish into bits and add.
  5. Add the pepper in the assorted meat stir and let it boil properly. This should take 3 minutes, taste and add salt and seasoning if necessary. It is now time to include a reasonable amount of palm oil. I prefer 2 spoons of palm oil.
  6. Add the groundnut powder and 1/2 soup hot water. Note that the Palm oil and pepper stock must be bubbly while adding the groundnut powder.
  7. Let it boil for 10 minutes and watch as the soup thickens. If you are left with a watery consistency, simply add extra powder.
  8. Add a handful of efinrin, stir let it this cook for 2 minutes under low heat stir again.
  9. Serve with pounded yam /garri/fufu/wheat.