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How to Care for Toddlers without Losing Your Mind

By Itoro Oladokun
04 September 2024   |   4:29 pm
Do you feel as though you are losing your mind? Calm down now. I have been there, and I can tell for a fact that parenting is a lot of work. Toddlers will drive you nuts and test your patience every single time. But don’t fret! It’s their natural makeup at the time because they’re…

A woman and a girl standing with a small ball on the girl's hand

Do you feel as though you are losing your mind? Calm down now. I have been there, and I can tell for a fact that parenting is a lot of work. Toddlers will drive you nuts and test your patience every single time. But don’t fret! It’s their natural makeup at the time because they’re packed with unmatched energy. See how you can care for your toddlers without going nuts.

Take in Some Deep Breaths

Taking deep breaths can reduce stress and anxiety, which are common feelings among mothers or caregivers. When you feel you have been stressed out by your cute pumpkin who wouldn’t just budge, breathe. Deep breathing also increases your patience level, and it’s very needed when your kids are in the toddler phase. Taking a few deep breaths can also help you calm down and respond more thoughtfully to their plights.

Set Routines

Nothing works better than a daily routine. Set times when they need to nap and times they need to play. Also, set screen time and study time. Setting routines can afford you time to nap as well or just rest without having to scream. Also, you can include them in your daily routine. This affords them the opportunity to learn how to coordinate their day.

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Learn to Ignore

I said earlier that kids will try your patience and make you feel like throwing them out of the window. This is a time when you need to calm down and ignore. Picking up as they go can be very hard and tiring, so it’s best to first ignore until all their energy is burned out. Then you can clean up. Did you just turn around and notice the floor is already dirty even when you just cleaned? Ignore the dirt. Learning to ignore can significantly reduce the psychological stress you need to put into screaming and shouting. You can go over it later to clean up, probably when they are asleep, but just ignore it at the moment.

Find Humour in Their Mess

Humour can be found in almost anything. To keep your sanity intact when caring for toddlers, find humour in their mess. Have they poured a pint of custard on their bodies and are looking like ghosts? Laugh it out with them. Tell them how silly that makes them look and let it slide.

Shouting at this point won’t do anything. Later, you may explain to them how wasting things can impact the family’s finances and spending.

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I know this can be very hard for Nigerian mothers because we scream before we even have time to think it over, but it can help you not lose it.

Relax with Them

Relaxing with them will help a great deal. They are probably messing up the entire house because you are probably busy in the kitchen or in the store. Once in a while, take out time to relax with your toddlers, and you will notice significant improvement in their behaviour. Apart from building connections, it also helps you to relax and not lose your mind.

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