Sunday, 26th January 2025

How To Conquer Your Fear

By Christopher Ebuka
18 December 2017   |   11:04 am
Fear like most emotions is overpowering. You may not, most times, know a way to control these fears. To conquer fear is not to eliminate it but to realize why it’s there and dominate it. To rise above fear, here are a few outlines that might help. 1. Know the reason for your fear: To…

Fear like most emotions is overpowering. You may not, most times, know a way to control these fears.
To conquer fear is not to eliminate it but to realize why it’s there and dominate it. To rise above fear, here are a few outlines that might help.

1. Know the reason for your fear: To understand fear, you have to know what prompts it. Are you afraid of being judged? Are you afraid of other people? Are you afraid of the future? Are you afraid of the unknown? You need to analyze yourself to truly understand why you are afraid.

Fear. Photo credit: Fast Company

2. Face your fear: You cannot run away from fear and expect it to go away. Do that which makes you afraid – do it afraid. Are you afraid to speak up when you have a different opinion from everyone else in the room? Good, be afraid and speak up. Once you face your fear, you realize how much power you really have over it.

3. Don’t overthink it: There is nothing that fuels negativity like overthinking. It takes the simplest of things and turns it into this overtly complicated problem. Think of it but don’t spend hours analyzing a situation.

4. Listen to pumped music: You might not realize how powerful music is until you truly experience it. Listening to a motivational song in the morning or before you enter your danger zone could make all the difference.

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