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Preparing For A Remote Job Interview? These Tips Will Be Useful

By Dipo Awojide
28 October 2019   |   9:32 am
As companies adopt the current market trend of allowing employees to work remotely, here are vital tips to know before attending that remote job interview. Do your research about the industry, company and role before the interview Before attending any job interview remotely, it is very important to research about the industry, the background of…

As companies adopt the current market trend of allowing employees to work remotely, here are vital tips to know before attending that remote job interview.

Do your research about the industry, company and role before the interview

Before attending any job interview remotely, it is very important to research about the industry, the background of the company and the role. This is because, in many instances, the interviewing panel wants to be sure you are aware of the current market trends and events within the industry.

It might be very difficult to have a good interview for a company you know almost nothing about. You might not have all the details about the company besides what you find on the internet, word of mouth from employees or former employees, but you should be aware of the role and what your responsibilities will be.

Do your homework about questions to expect

Based on the role you are interviewing for, you need to prepare ahead for likely questions. These are some very popular interview questions:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why are you leaving your current job?
  • Do you have any additional qualifications or skills that set you apart from the crowd?
  • Why should we give you this job?
  • How will you handle difference of opinion in a team?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Tell us about a time when you had to be flexible/adaptable?
  • What interests you the most about this role?
  • What is the future of this industry in 10 years?
  • How do you manage stressful situations?

These interview questions asked are to identify:

  • Your ability to think creatively
  • Your ability to solve problems
  • Ability to make bold decisions
  • Communication skills
  • Presentation and report skills (in some instances)
  • If you can fit in

Be on time

Punctuality really matters and might turn off your interviewer or interviewing panel. So, don’t be late. Be on time, and ready to go.

Pick a very quiet spot (avoid noisy environments)

Switch the TV and radio off, put your phone on silent and ask someone to look after your kids or dogs if you have any. Because it is likely they might distract you during the interview process. You need full concentration for the entire duration of the interview.

Check your background and make sure there is nothing that might distract the interviewer

In preparing for a remote job interview, you need to prepare your surroundings in advance of the interview to ensure that the interviewer is not distracted. Your interview location should be tidy, your desk arranged and the room, well lit.

Test your computer’s audio, webcam and internet connection

If you are currently streaming videos or downloading files on your computer, you might want to pause that till your interview is concluded. Poor audio or webcam quality can distract you and stop you from having full concentration during the interview. Test to ensure everything is working at least an hour before you get started.

Dress professionally

First impression matters a lot. It takes many recruiters only a minute to decide if they will hire you even before the interview has started. So, dress the part.

Show passion and enthusiasm

Demonstrate passion, enthusiasm and positivity all through the interview as you would in a face to face interview. Try not to come across as uninterested or bored during the interview as this might piss off the interview panel. Be energetic and sell yourself, especially when talking about your past achievements.

Have your pen, paper and a copy of your CV in front of you

Inform your interviewer or the interviewing panel that you will be taking notes during the interview. You need to do this, so they don’t feel you are distracted or looking away.

Draft questions for the interviewer

Never end an interview without asking questions. It improves your chances of getting the job. You can ask questions about training and development opportunities available to you if employed, questions about the culture of the organisation and your remuneration (if this discussion is yet to be had). You can also ask how many employees work remotely.

Sit up straight and look at the camera

Look at the camera so the interview panel or interviewer doesn’t think you are distracted or unserious.

Charge your laptop or desktop and keep it plugged

This is to avoid any interruptions which might disrupt the interview process.

In summary, the interviewer will be trying to find out if you can you do the job (your skills, competencies and capabilities), if you will you do the job (your motivation and passion) and if you can you fit in (personality, values and character). To excel, you need to be confident in yourself and your abilities, give concise and sharp answers, be positive and smile, sell yourself, and use the STAR technique when answering questions (explain the situation, task, action and result).

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