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7 Foods That Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Disease

By Samiat Agbaje
31 January 2020   |   7:00 pm
The heart is the second most essential organ in the body and it should be taken proper care of starting from what we eat and knowing their effects and importance to the body. Here are seven foods to refrain from in order to maintain a healthy heart according to WebMD Ice Cream Ice creams are…
Foods bad for the heart | WebMD

The heart is the second most essential organ in the body and it should be taken proper care of starting from what we eat and knowing their effects and importance to the body.

Here are seven foods to refrain from in order to maintain a healthy heart according to WebMD

Ice Cream

Ice creams are packed with lots of sugar and saturated fat. It can increase the triglyceride level in the blood which leads to a heart attack. Ice cream can be taken in small quantity during special occasions because it can also lead to weight gain and obesity. It can be substituted with low-fat or non-fat yoghurt.

White Rice

White rice lacks its natural nutrients because it is a refined grain that converts to sugar and is stored in the body as fat. High consumption causes obesity which can lead to heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes. It can be substituted with whole grains like Brown rice.


Pizza is most especially harmful when it is take-out pizza because it is contains high level of fat, sodium and calories with can increase the chances of getting a heart attack. It can be less harmful if the amount of cheese used in making is reduced and veggies are packed on.

Fried Chicken

Fried chicken contains high level of fat, sodium and calories that makes it dangerous to the body as it is known to cause Type 2 diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. It is healthier to cover the chicken with flour and bake.


Soda is an extra sugary drink that causes weight gain and obesity. It can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes. Diet soda is also as harmful because it is linked to weight gain and stroke. It is preferable to take water instead.

French Fries

Deep fried potatoes have a high level of salt and fat which is bad for the heart. It is better to eat oven baked potatoes made with sweet potatoes.


Butter increases the bad cholesterol level in the body because of it high level of saturated fat, which may lead to heart disease. It can be substituted with olive oil or vegetable oil that contains unsaturated fat.

The medical information provided in this article is provided as an information resource only. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.