NANS condemns protest against Tinubu govt

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has condemned the proposed protest against President Bola Tinubu’s administration, scheduled for August 1, 2024.

NANS, in a circular signed by its President,
Comrade Lucky Emonefe, condemned the organisers of the protest for hiding their identity and urged Nigerian students to reject the lure to join the economic saboteurs.

“The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) found it necessary to address the pressing concerns and burning contemporary issues affecting our beloved country and, most importantly, the students community,” the circular read.

“Firstly, NANS acknowledges the significant hardship being experienced by citizens across Nigeria due to the implementation of recent reforms and policies by the government.

“These measures, though aimed at steering our nation towards sustainable development, have undoubtedly brought about economic challenges that have impacted every Nigerian household. We understand the frustrations and difficulties the citizens are facing. and we are deeply empathetic to the plight of all Nigerians.

“However, we must remain steadfast and patient. The transformation we all desire is not an overnight process. It requires collective resilience and perseverance. We are optimistic that in no distant future, the positive outcomes of these reforms will become evident. Citizens’ patience and understanding are vital during this period of adjustment.

“NANS also wishes to categorically distance Nigerian students from any protest against the government at this time. We have observed that certain individuals and groups are attempting to exploit the current economic situation to incite unrest. This is so evident in the fact that the organisers of the protests have chosen to hide their identities while making inflammatory statements that are capable of engendering chaos.

“They are simply ECONOMIC SABOTEURS because their aim is to add to the current economic realities facing Nigerians for selfish political gains. The over 40.1 million Nigerian students will not be cajoled into the grand conspiracy of this obscured individuals in the name of “Ending bad governance” if they themselves cannot pass a simple integrity test by revealing themselves and openly engaging us in open debates, rather than lurking around our campuses in an attempt to railroad the students constituency into execution of their hidden agenda.”

NANS stated that the students have enjoyed an uninterrupted academic calendar for over a year now, the organised labour, including the academic staff unions are all being engaged by the Federal government at different stages of dialogue to ensure that the uninterrupted streak in the academic pursuit is sustained.

The association added that it will not allow those with hidden agenda and identity to create artificial crises that would disrupt the academic pursuit as it believes in constructive dialogue and engagement as the best means to address its grievances.

“In this light, we want to express our profound appreciation to the government for the full commencement of the disbursement of the NELFUND students loan. This initiative in just about a year of this administration, is a testament to the government’s commitment to supporting education and ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder our academic pursuits,” NANS said.

“We are particularly pleased that the process has been streamlined, allowing eligible students to access loans without the need for intermediaries, thereby promoting transparency and efficiency.

“We would ensure that we allow the open channels of engagement with the government and hold them to task on their other policies to revive the economy and ameliorate the hardship in the land.”

NANS said it therefore calls on all Nigerian students to focus on their academic activities, adding that their education is their greatest asset, and it is crucial that they do not allow external distractions to derail their progress.

The association in the circular also called on Nigerian students to stay committed to their studies, and avoid being swayed by those who seek to use them for their own agendas.

It also called on parents to play an active role in guiding and monitoring their children as well as ensure that they remain focused on their academic goals and refrain from participating in any protest that might jeopardise their future or disrupt the peace and stability of Nigeria.

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