10,000 landlords to access free legal services in dispute settlement
Not less than 10,000 landlords across Nigeria are expected to access free legal services in dispute settlement with their tenants.
In a partnership between the Public and Private Development Centre (PPDC), and Shelta Panacea Limited, a PropTech company, at least 10,000 landlords would be provided pro bono representation in settlement of legal disputes to improve access to justice and promote affordable housing.
Chief Executive Officer, PPDC, Lucy Abagi, said, that “PPDC has always been committed to ensuring access to justice for all, particularly for vulnerable and marginalized groups. This collaboration with Shelta Panacea allows us to extend our expertise beyond the criminal justice space to civil disputes.”
The partnership was formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and targets both the demand and supply sides of public service delivery for increased compliance, improved landlord-tenant relationships, reduce disputes, and enhanced property values.
The PPDC’s Access to Justice Program, which has previously offered pro bono legal services to over 9,000 Nigerians, will utilize technological innovations and a network of lawyers to support this initiative.
The CEO, Shalta Panacea Austine Igwe, said, “Shelta is not coming in to provide free legal services to landlords at the detriment of the tenants but to solve the problems between the landlord and the tenant.”
According to him, Shelta Panacea Limited aims to bridge the legal gap between landlords and tenants in Nigeria, ensuring landlords receive necessary legal support while promoting fair dispute resolution.
This partnership, the duo said, aligns with PPDC’s ongoing commitment to transparency, accountability, and the protection of citizens’ rights.
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