AU plans common currency, market for African countries

The African Union-Economic, Social and Cultural Council (AU-ECOSOCC, Nigeria), on Thursday, said it is considering common currency and market for over 50 countries in the continent as part of its development plans under ‘Agenda 2063′.

It also expressed its displeasure towards the way many African countries are treating their respective citizens, saying by the end of 2020, it would ‘silent the guns’.

Nigeria’s Representative for AU-ECOSOCC, Dr Tunji John, disclosed this in Abuja when the AU delegation conferred an award on the Chairman/CEO ONELINK international, Amb. Nmaa Ahmed, in respect to his appointment as Chairman, Advisory Board to Political Affairs Cluster Committee of the assembly.

His words: “The African Union ‘Agenda 2063′ is a brain work for development. The slogan for that agenda is when you say African Union, you will say “Africa we want”. What type of Africa are we envisaging in the next 50 years? We are saying that we need an Africa with a common currency, common market.
“When the free protocol, free movement of people can be so eased without any hindrance, a Nigerian can wake up in Nigeria and find his way to South Africa without necessarily queuing for visa in South African Embassies,” he said.

John noted that the AU would leave no stone unturned in seeing that policies, programmes and framework for developments on the continent are properly implemented and domesticated across regions the same way SDGs of United Nations is done.

He added, “It is also worthy to note that 2020 is a year of silencing the guns within the Africa continent. I would have stood here to be speaking authoritatively, considering the way we have been working with people of like-minds we have put together that all guns would have been put to silence by now if not because of COVID-19. Notwithstanding, we are still assuring the general public that all guns will completely be silent by the end of year 2020.”

Speaking shortly after receiving his award, Ahmed noted that the honour was an opportunity for him to reach out to more people, adding that it was also an opportunity to promote AU’s agenda 2063.

He called on more Africans to come into the fold and join forces together in order to achieve the agenda.
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