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Daystar holds Xmas concert, urges Nigerians to be remorseful

By Silver Nwokoro
11 December 2023   |   2:49 am
Daystar Christian Centre has charged Nigerians to show a remorseful attitude to God to restore His Glory on the land.
Daystar church Christmas carol

Daystar Christian Centre has charged Nigerians to show a remorseful attitude to God to restore His Glory on the land.

The Lead Pastor, Sam Adeyemi, who gave the advice, yesterday, during the church’s Christmas concert with the theme, “Gloria,” urged Nigerians to turn away from their sinful ways to enable them to get attracted to the glory of God.

He said: “God has promised us eternal life. Jesus Christ came, died and resurrected. Once we receive forgiveness from God, then the glory is restored.”

Meanwhile, the Music Director of the church, Dr. Sheyi Khenny, who directed the award-winning choir and orchestra of the church, Healing Streams of God (HSOG), said the concept of the songs was basically the birth of Christ, the work He came to do and what everyone has benefited from His coming to the world, the salvation that came afterwards and then what everyone has been gaining right from birth.

He said: “We need to be excellent in our planning, execution as well as in the area of leadership and followership. So, if we have that, it is a good background for us to move forward as a nation.”

Khenny, therefore, urged Christians to use this Christmas season to re-enact, and remember the benefits got through Jesus Christ.

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