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Discipline or molestation: FRSC commander cuts female staff hair

By Ifeanyi Ibeh
10 April 2017   |   7:12 pm
The Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps in Rivers, Andrew Kumapayi, on Monday carried out a general inspection on the staff of the FRSC headquarters in Port Harcourt.

[vvideo code=”FW8IVCTQ” autoplay=”yes”] The Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps in Rivers, Andrew Kumapayi, on Monday carried out a general inspection on the staff of the FRSC headquarters in Port Harcourt.

The inspection covered the uniform and finger nails, as well as the hairdos of FRSC personnel and Kumapayi was on hand to ensure that the female officers whose hair styles allegedly ran foul of the requirements of the Corps got an on-the-spot haircut.

However, on the Corps’s website is an image of a woman whose hair appears to be braided and who is supposedly an example of how female FRSC marshals ought to appear.

A model of how a female FRSC marshal should dress. PHOTO: FRSC.GOV.NG

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  • Author’s gravatar

    Looks as if our government agencies have nothing to do. If they are not fighting the head of customs for not wearing uniform, they are inspecting and cutting female officers’ braided hair.
    What a wasteful society!

  • Author’s gravatar

    Madam you have right to meet any legal attorney for legal action…but if na your Husband for house you no go agree

  • Author’s gravatar

    This is rubbish. Why not just sanction them? Being someone’s boss does and should not give one limitless access to the employee’s space.

  • Author’s gravatar

    Nonsense. Minor in major and major in minor, what a shame.

  • Author’s gravatar

    This is inappropriate, an indication of brutish leadership, of double standards, that leaves no room for correction. This act also impugn on basic human decency. It is demoralizing, and needs to be investigated.

  • Author’s gravatar

    What absurdity! No employer has the right whatsoever to cut your hair, the worst he or she can do is to ask you to conform to the prescribed hairstyles or at the worst suspend the erring officer for a couple of days. To resort to molestation/ physical abuse is highly condemned and the affected officer’s should sue FRSC. But, the problem is Nigerians don’t know their rights.

  • Author’s gravatar

    Really sad to see my people perish for lack of knowledge. More pathetic are the ladies who sat back and allowed this to happen. you are only a salve the moment you consent to being one.

  • Author’s gravatar

    Nonsense…what is this country turning into?

  • Author’s gravatar

    This should have been an in-house discipline ; but it has turn to molestation .
    It used to happen like this in secondary schools back in the days .

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    thats rubbish….i wonder if the boss himself knows his remit of what he can do..he himself could loose his job if the lady want to drag it up..could be litigated,,,she can sue provided shes educated to know her rights,,,majority had oluwole educational certificates apply for jobs…..not versed with whats even right within work establishment…..if they have a strong union they can back her up and sue the org,,,,association of army officer , governor senators etc wives,,,,did you see that,,thats humiliating to womanhood and profession,,she could be disciplined but not like that,,not in primary and secondary cant even do that to students youll end up in court of law

  • Author’s gravatar

    In a Jungle, jungle justice prevail…

  • Author’s gravatar

    The worst that should have happened to the woman was to have been queried. The commander should therefore be queried to show him example of how to behave in a decent society and thereafter sanctioned appropriately.

  • Author’s gravatar

    That was an assault on the women and not discipline. The Sector Commander should tender a public apology not just to the female officers affected but to all women

  • Author’s gravatar

    Only in Nigeria. In other places, the women would have sued him and FRSC to bits. Are they children? If they are not in compliance with workplace rules, there are other ways of sanctioning them without this primitive display of sadistic barbarism. again, only in Nigeria!

  • Author’s gravatar

    Do this woman have a brother, husband, or boyfriend? The idiot commander need a hair-cutting himself or better yet stern warning