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Boys Lead Foundation launches Men-Touring programme in Nigeria

By Guardian Nigeria
29 November 2021   |   2:01 am
When not mentored, boys may become victims and/or perpetrators of rape, drugs, alcoholism, theft, pornography and so on. When mentored, these same set of Boys are more likely to grow up being very responsible in their communities. It has been posited that building the capacity of young Nigerians should be at the center of national…

When not mentored, boys may become victims and/or perpetrators of rape, drugs, alcoholism, theft, pornography and so on. When mentored, these same set of Boys are more likely to grow up being very responsible in their communities. It has been posited that building the capacity of young Nigerians should be at the center of national discuss to engender development, and for this to work all hands are required to be on deck.

To achieve this, Boys Lead Foundation, a non-profit organization registered in United States, South Africa, and Nigeria initiated her Men-Touring Boys program and with it have empowered over 480 boys with the right skill sets to thrive.

Speaking to Eniola Daniels, boymentor at Boys Lead Foundation, he said “Our boymentors teach the boys courses like self discovery and mastery, Empathetic Leadership, Physical Health and Hygiene, Networking and Finance and with these we believe the boys are now equipped to think and act responsibly”.

Some stakeholders present at the program said the impact on the life of the Boys is clear while also giving right tips to success. Mrs. Habiba Mohammed, Universal Basic Education Board Federal Capital Territory said “we are actually very impressed with an NGO coming up with something that affects the boys, something we have been waiting for and of course one of its kind. We hope they spread their tentacles to other schools”.

Mr Charles Usie, country director at Plan International also said in his words “you should be distinguished by your characteristics, and there are certain things that must define who you are in your life”. He also added, “The question for you today, which you have to answer before you leave this place is what kind of attribute do I want to be known for?”.

Some boys had this to say, “I have learnt about networking, in networking, communication is the key to effectiveness”. “I have learnt a lot today and if I am to use my networking skills, I would use them especially in my school”.

The beneficiaries were presented with certificates as a major high point of the graduation program.