Sunday, 28th July 2024
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NNPP chieftain calls for peaceful protests, government reforms

As Nigerians prepare for a nationwide protest this week, Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo, a prominent figure in the New Nigeria People's Party (NNPP), has urged the Federal Government to allow the demonstration to proceed peacefully without military intervention and violence. Ajadi emphasised the importance of permitting citizens to express their demands for better governance. In a…
NNPP's Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo urges the Nigerian government to allow peaceful protests without military intervention and calls for major reforms to address economic challenges.
Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo

As Nigerians prepare for a nationwide protest this week, Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo, a prominent figure in the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP), has urged the Federal Government to allow the demonstration to proceed peacefully without military intervention and violence. Ajadi emphasised the importance of permitting citizens to express their demands for better governance.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Ajadi highlighted the need for the government to use the protesters’ demands as an opportunity to reconsider policies that negatively impact the lives of ordinary Nigerians. He called for restraint from security forces, urging them to avoid violent confrontations with demonstrators.

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He also cautioned protesters to maintain the peaceful nature of the demonstration and prevent it from being hijacked by politicians and hoodlums. Ajadi stressed that the aim of the protests is to call for good governance and that this should be strictly adhered to.

“The government should see the protests as a national demand for good governance and allow peaceful demonstrations without military intervention,” he stated.

Ajadi criticised the severe economic challenges exacerbated by current government policies, including the confusion surrounding dual Naira notes and the stalled progress at the Dangote Refinery. He attributed the significant depreciation of Nigeria’s currency to the government’s imposition of multiple taxes without corresponding benefits to citizens.

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He urged the federal government to address these economic issues by reducing petroleum prices and implementing price controls on essential commodities. Ajadi also called for substantial reforms to tackle issues such as hunger, inflation, high fuel prices, and inadequate minimum wage.

Other grievances driving the protest include power shortages, deteriorating road networks, budget padding, and electoral misconduct by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). Ajadi highlighted further concerns such as the high cost of governance, questionable appointments, excessive borrowing, and crude oil theft.

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He proposed several reforms, including making refineries functional, addressing excessive electricity tariffs and high bank charges, and supporting resource control. Additionally, he called for constitutional reform, restructuring, and a shift from consumption-based to production-driven policies.

Ajadi also stressed the importance of addressing corruption, unaccountability, inadequate housing, and underfunding in various sectors. He advocated for a significant reduction in the salaries and allowances of federal and state lawmakers, in line with a recent court ruling mandating the Revenue Mobilization, Allocation, and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC) to adjust legislative remuneration.

Finally, he urged state governments to implement the new minimum wage and resolve any outstanding salaries, ensuring that the welfare of Nigerian citizens is prioritised.