Wednesday, 31st July 2024
Breaking News:

Yobe gives 1,780 women 5,300 goats to boost employment

By Njadvara Musa, Maiduguri
31 July 2024   |   2:03 am
Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni, has empowered 1,780 women with over 5,300 goats to boost employment and food security in the state.
Mai Mala Buni

Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni, has empowered 1,780 women with over 5,300 goats to boost employment and food security in the state.

According to him, the livestock comprise 356 female and 178 male goats for breeding to earn income.

Unfolding the empowerment initiative, yesterday in a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Hausa Service, Buni stated: “In each of the 178 wards, 10 women were selected for the breeding of goats under the state’s Agricultural Empowerment Programme (YAEP),” noting that women, however, bore the brunt of the over-a-decade insurgency amid economic hardships.

He added that with the restoration of peace, the targeted women were provided with two female and a male goat for breeding to boost employment and food security.

Besides job creation, Buni said that the beneficiaries could breed about 21,360 goats.

The bred goats, he explained, would generate about N1.1 billion income.

On the implementation of YAEP, the governor disclosed that in each of the 178 wards, 14 agricultural extension workers had been provided with motorcycles to render services to the women and farmers.

According to him, the services to be rendered by the extension workers are on the appropriate use of inaugurated 71,835 agricultural farm inputs by President Bola Tinubu in Damaturu.