Saturday, 18th January 2025

A new national airline

By Editorial board
29 October 2015   |   12:40 am
MORE than a decade after liquidation of the Nigeria Airways, the healthy discourse on the possibility of a new national carrier has only underscored the significance of the quest and the need to balance best business practices with national interest.

Nigerian-Airways-plane-CopyMORE than a decade after liquidation of the Nigeria Airways, the healthy discourse on the possibility of a new national carrier has only underscored the significance of the quest and the need to balance best business practices with national interest.

President Muhammadu Buhari’s directive to the ministry to get a committee to review modalities for floating a viable, competitive carrier is a good statement of intent in the national interest that should be followed by a sound business management plan.

Therefore, the submission of a report on the matter the other day is a step towards the realisation of a dream but the renewed quest should not prevent all from looking back at past mistakes and charting a new path for the proposed airline with unhindered input from the private sector. Ordinarily, given the experience of Nigeria over the extinct Nigeria Airways, any so-called ‘national’ enterprise is another avenue for waste, looting and sundry brigandage. And with previous attempts at revamping Nigeria Airways Limited (NAL) collapsing the way such did, what would be the assurance that the new carrier would fly? The fear, indeed, is that no evidence exists that greed, corruption and decadence which attended most of the nation’s government-owned enterprises have been adequately addressed.

Mismanagement has undoubtedly been the lot of public companies and government business which either never flourished or are looted to the bones by their managers even when they did. Many became bottomless pits for public funds, prompting their eventual commercialisation or outright privatisation.

However, the president’s signals suggest a new faith in a new national airline with all its attendant benefits, hence his directive to the committee to proffer suggestions on the proposed enterprise. The panel was charged to consult with the international community and private sector on carrier based on public-private partnership. Moreover, the Assets Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) was to determine the debt profile of domestic airlines which would guide the panel in its recommendations while determining the best model for the new airline.

The panels’ invitation to 74 stakeholders from airline operators to aviation agencies, service providers, financial consultants, institutional investors, aircraft and parts’ suppliers and staff members of the defunct NAL at least showed some effort at seriousness and the “far-reaching recommendations” made according to the team leader raise hope of a positive development. Yet, history tugs at the heart-strings. After the unfortunate liquidation in 2003 of the 32-year-old national airline, the nation has tried but found it extremely difficult getting back on track with another carrier, even with attempts at partnership with other successful brands.

With a depleted fleet from 32 aircraft in 1984 to a low of three in year 2000, one option opened to the Nigerian government was partnering with a big European airline for which Air France, Lufthansa and Swissair were considered. All fell through. The International Finance Corporation which was commissioned to assist in the process of restructuring and privatising withdrew its advisory role in 2001, citing the unwillingness of NAL and the government to carry out necessary measures capable of making NAL attractive to potential investors. Various other allegations of looting and mismanagement flew alongside IFC’s complaints.

By 2001, safety concerns had grown to force UK authorities to bar Nigeria Airways from operating into its territory. Long before then, the carrier had accumulated significant debts that outstripped revenues from mid-1980s. By late 1986, 1000 jobs had been cut with pressure from government to further reduce the 8500 staff strength in an operating environment of staff-aircraft ratio of 500:1. By April 2000, employment was 4516 just as aircraft numbers shrank amid routes’ rationalisation. The Nigerian predilection for abuse of anything that belongs in the commonwealth played a role too. Free tickets to staff and family members and privileged government officials combined to ruin the company’s fortunes and there was no doubt that NAL was destined for extinction. It went into that spectacularly.

Certainly, Nigeria has not had an enviable history of any public enterprise and this seems to support the contention of anti-new carrier proponents.
In setting about floating the carrier, if it must, government still needs to listen to opposing stakeholders and address their fears. The government may even have to enunciate policies and create an environment that promotes a private sector-driven national carrier.

Also, based on the high-flying performance credentials of exemplars like Kenya Airways and Ethiopia Airlines, there may be need to study and adapt their business models and in the course of time operate to surpass their achievements. Fixing the sector also calls for the involvement of technocrats, aviation professionals of integrity at home and in the Diaspora. World-class facilities for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO), competently manned, must be on the priority list. Above all, if the committee’s report is accepted, the whole process must be devoid of legal encumbrances capable of aborting the new venture.


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    One of the ways this Air line can succeed is to make sure all Government Departments buy and pay for their tickets and staff should not be given more than 20% discounts on journeys once a year.

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    While it was possible to have free rides in those days that can be ruled out now if the government is serious about running a business. Simply set up the airline and give it away to any of the bigger European or American airlines to run for you on a term like 80% of the revenue to them and 20% to Nigeria. From the 80% they will manage, maintain and when necessary acquire new aircraft for the airline. This way the government will only be an investor. The contract should be seriously worded and make it irrevocable for 900 years so that criminal politicians like the ones that ran Nigeria down since the past 16 years do not come and revoke the contract later. This is how to make things work.

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    very bad idea and not necessary. first of all, let look at very well established airlines in markets that are very good for them. There is virtually no American airlines that makes money. The middle east airlines are highly subsidized by their government. if American airlines are not profitable in a country that is highly efficient, have the capacity and technology and the markets. why would Nigeria airways be better in a country that only 1% is flying. a country that is still shoulder deep in mismanagement, corruption and fraud. the established and somewhat profitable airlines in developed countries are not government owned or operated. yes they are the country standard bearers. why can’t we use one of those local airlines as our national carrier. finally, you really think airlines like BA, delta etc are about to give up market share to allow a Nigeria airline to be somewhat profitable? the Nigeria government can’t even give the current operators a fair deal, or stop foreign airlines from looting our nation while denying Nigeria airlines from operation in their country. They claim safety, this after Nigeria airlines spend a fortune on maintenance in their country. This is pure madness and people with common sense need to end this madness.

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      How is Kenya and Ethiopia doing this business? They have managed to be in the air for a long time now and yet they are still waxing stronger. I feel our national career be revived.

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        They doing because they don’t have this massive corruption we have. They are doing because they don’t have any other carriers. Isn’t insanity the act of doing over and over with same bad outcome.

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    A country with Nigeria’s population should indeed have a national carrier. One need only see the queues in airports and airline city offices to understand that the demand is there, begging for supply. Long distance travel by road in Nigeria is far from safe or convenient. Between poor infrastructure, and literal highway robbery, one can only imagine the potential size of the market currently being excluded or forced out of participation.
    Everyone’s focusing on Nigerian carriers being granted permissions in Europe and America, but that’s too far a view forward. We should be focusing on find a way to get people on a frequent basis and in a safe and comfortable fashion between our large cities, and most importantly around the commercial and political capitals across the region. In the interest of strengthened regional ties and increased trade, it’s imperative that a national/regional airline be built. It’s a shame that one would consider today, flying to Europe, East or South Africa or even the Middle East, as a connection to a fellow ECOWAS member state. I do have my doubts that government is best poised to push this agenda forward. I would be much more comfortable with a public private partnership, in the absence of a course, of a viable, wholly private enterprise.