No sane person will consider a sit at the UN security council (SC), aka US personal tool, as a worthwhile aspiration. Nigeria has more pressing priorities at home to resolve before we can look at becoming another arm of America’s reach for global dominance with a few obligatory others to give a vague sense of a global alliance. Where was the UN security council when America unleashed Armageddon on us all by invading Afganistan, Irag and now no one rightly trusts them to be anything but a catastrophe if ever they CHOOSE to invade Syria. The piggy-back Israel to collectively punish the Palestinians who dare to object to their homes being curvetted and forcefully taken and then killed to boot while the SC look and pass on the other side form the bleeding Palestinian children caught up in the struggle of their parents. Hypocrites in fine clothes and fine words – Nigerians must keep clear and not be spiritually tainted by the SC. All who are in the SC are blood stained by the losses to the world of the innocents slaughtered to appease America and those who are too scared to be anything else but ally to the US. I ask our people to save us from being accomplices in this madness masquerading as the UN SC.