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Govern your business: Personal responsibility can make your enterprise a superpower

By Babajide Familusi
05 September 2024   |   8:55 am
Imagine running a country where everyone passes the buck. Roads would not get built, laws would not be enforced, and the economy would be in shambles. Sound familiar?

Imagine running a country where everyone passes the buck. Roads would not get built, laws would not be enforced, and the economy would be in shambles. Sound familiar?

Now, picture running a business the same way. Spoiler alert: It is a disaster waiting to happen.

Earlier today, Uju, the head of marketing at one of my companies, sent me a pitch deck she had meticulously crafted for a client. She had roped in Ola to design it and wanted my quick review for final approval. So far, so good. But as I went through it, I spotted two pages with glaring errors. I sent Uju my feedback, pointing out the mistakes. Her response? A screenshot saying, “This is what I sent him.” Not to be outdone, I replied with my own screenshot, stating, “This is what you sent me.” Ah, the joys of leadership!

As a young business leader, I firmly believe in the power of personal responsibility. But the Uju episode reminded me of a recurring dilemma: despite my best efforts, some of my staff continue to play the blame game. Missed deadlines and subpar performance are often the fallout. This realization hit me hard—personal responsibility isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s the bedrock of business success. And that is what inspired me to write this article.

Could personal responsibility be your business’s secret weapon?

In the world of business, personal responsibility means owning your actions, decisions, and their outcomes. It is about accountability, reliability, and discipline. When you embrace personal responsibility, your business thrives. Performance and productivity soar, trust within the team solidifies, and decision-making sharpens. Let’s explore why this is crucial, how it shapes leadership, and the practical steps to cultivate it.

Personal responsibility in a business context involves being accountable for your actions and decisions. It means meeting deadlines and consistently delivering high-quality work. It is about recognizing that your actions impact the entire team and, ultimately, the success of the business.

When personal responsibility is embraced, magic happens. Performance and productivity shoot through the roof. Employees who take ownership of their work are more motivated and driven to achieve their goals. This sense of accountability builds trust and reliability within the team—everyone knows they can count on each other to deliver. Plus, personal responsibility enhances decision-making and problem-solving skills. Individuals who own their actions are more likely to think critically and act proactively.

Leaders who embody personal responsibility set a shining example for their teams. They demonstrate that taking ownership of one’s actions is a vital trait for success. Take Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, for instance. Known for his strong sense of personal responsibility, Nadella has steered Microsoft towards significant growth and innovation. By owning both their successes and failures, leaders like Nadella inspire their teams to do the same, creating a culture of accountability and excellence.

Ready to develop personal responsibility? Start by setting clear goals and maintaining discipline in achieving them. Be accountable for your actions—admit mistakes and learn from them. Continuously seek self-improvement through learning and professional development. Encourage open communication and feedback within your team to foster a sense of personal responsibility.

Let’s be real—challenges abound in this journey. Common hurdles include fear of failure, lack of confidence, and the tendency to blame external factors. To overcome these, cultivate a growth mindset where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities. Build self-confidence through small, consistent achievements, and focus on solutions rather than problems. Create an environment where accountability is rewarded and blame-shifting is discouraged.

Consider Sarah, a marketing manager who turned her department’s performance around by instilling a sense of personal responsibility. By setting clear expectations, providing regular feedback, and encouraging her team to own their projects, Sarah saw a significant increase in productivity and morale. This case highlights the positive impact personal responsibility can have on a team’s success.

Fostering personal responsibility positively influences company culture. It creates a work environment where employees feel valued and trusted, leading to higher morale and job satisfaction. This, in turn, boosts customer satisfaction as employees are more committed to delivering excellent service. A culture of personal responsibility also drives innovation and continuous improvement, essential for long-term business success.

Personal responsibility is a crucial factor in achieving business success. It leads to improved performance, trust, and better decision-making. Leaders play a vital role in modeling and fostering this trait within their teams. By embracing personal responsibility, businesses can create a culture of accountability and excellence.

Have you ever reflected on your level of personal responsibility? Are you owning your actions and their outcomes? Start by implementing the concepts highlighted here in your professional life. Set clear goals, be accountable, and continuously seek self-improvement. They seem simplistic, but mastering these can lead to major leaps forward in your career or business. Remember, owning your success begins with taking personal responsibility.

Running a business, much like running a country, requires a clear vision, strategic thinking, and, most importantly, personal responsibility. Embrace it, and watch your enterprise—or nation—thrive.

Babajide Familusi

Content provided by EiE Nigeria

Babajide Familusi is a Nigerian entrepreneur; Group Chief Executive at The FAB Group and Founder of Under 40 CEOs, a pan-African platform dedicated to fostering the growth of the African economy through the empowerment of young African business leaders.

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