Friday, 7th March 2025

In the floating dream of a life in Nigeria

By Tony Afejuku
03 November 2023   |   2:40 am
I have been resisting the urge for a marvellous time now to comment openly on the current state of Nigeria, and particularly on the future of Nigeria.
Nigerians. (Photo by – / AFP)

I have been resisting the urge for a marvellous time now to comment openly on the current state of Nigeria, and particularly on the future of Nigeria. What will Nigeria be tomorrow? How will and how shall I tackle these questions without little words, little utterances, first of all, about the present condition concerning Nigerians as human beings in this country, your country my country our country? I don’t really know how best to attempt to answer all these questions – or even any of them which cannot but lead me and you, my reader, to the same end and goal.

Why are we experiencing what we are experiencing today? Have we offended God? And in what and how many ways and times beyond our conscious perception of them have we done so? On Friday, August 4 this year, this column dwelt on the need for us to befriend silence in Nigeria. I didn’t just wake up to utter the utterances I uttered. I didn’t just wake up to compose the words I composed about the temperament of this presidential regime and the respective gubernatorial regimes of our times generally. Everything then came to me in the floating noon dream of a life in our country. What I saw, I saw clearly. But I didn’t utter everything. Everything was fascinatingly fascinating.

Yet I did not say it all because I yielded to Matthew 12:37: “by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Some of what I saw as revealed to me has started to manifest clearly and clearly, and other ones are yet to come. When they eventually come, those who did not know God or did not believe in Him will know Him and believe in Him – whatever their religious or un-religious persuasions. They will in addition know and respect the power of language, the kind that I have been enjoined to employ to utter and which I will similarly employ to guide very potently and preciously our country-men and country-women – whether or not they are in power politically, economically, religiously, judicially, militarily and otherwise. The time will not be long in coming for us to use the gift and power of language to “bless, rebuke, give thanks, praise, and worship in keeping with the teaching of all genuine followers of God” that has so far given our country His generosity. Luke 11:28 tells us that “blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.”

The time was 15 minutes to midnight when the inspiration came to me to give mouth to this column – as a most precious continuation of the one of August 4 aforesaid. I was again transported to a floating dream of a life in our country – but this time it was a midnight floating dream. Nature’s nature, to those who do not know, is Karma; it is mathematics, the language of balancing everything explicitly and implicitly without error, without fail and with exactitude. The kernel of mathematics, we know, comprises of algebra, geometry, and calculus related sciences concerned with the study and appreciation of “number, quantity, shape, and space and their inter-relationships.”

Our country in its composition of diversities is mathematical, but our political leaders especially have been operating in every manner devoid of the language, notion, and image of mathematics. They (our farmers and dwellers in politics and its game) plot what they farm and plot to the optimal disadvantage of our people, and positives, our positive collective thoughts, hopes, renewed or un-renewed, and other considerations because of their unflinching belief in juju power- or power of money or power of black power, or power of dark power, or power of red power, or power of brown power that ultimately lead to an untoward end. Their metaphor of power and its usage is the metaphor plus metaphor plus further metaphor of evil power of evil force(s) which will ultimately collapse in line with the unfailing nature of Karma, whose metaphor is the metaphor of justice that never fails, whose plot is the plot that leads to all untoward ends of justice that is justice and justice and further justice; whose principle is the principle of the divine that ever remains unchanging and mathematically so.

We suffer now because our politicians and justices and lawyers and judiciary generally and diverse personnel in diverse establishments in their blindness and greed want us to suffer. But they all and their spiritual deceivers are spiritually ignorant and blind and understand not the something in the nothingness of their low and lowly realms. Maybe I am too much engrossed in philosophy and deep spirit, thought and mystery of the true spiritual or religious or theological writer and poet of openness whose willingness is the willingness to stand erect in front of the magnificent “cosmic law, to awe, and awe to devotion, and devotion to worship” everlastingly the One and only One, the true and sole Creator of creation.

In the nicely nice words of the divinely-imbued Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834), English Romantic poet, philosopher, theologian, composer of songs and critic, who was the son and last born child of a clergyman of the Church of England: “In wonder all philosophy [or religion] began, in wonder it ends…. but the first wonder is the offspring of ignorance: the last is the parent of adoration.” Our present circumstance and era mirror or reflect this design: our political leaders’ culture of yielding themselves and souls that are not souls to the prayers, rituals and sacrifices to the activities of witches and witch-doctors and commanders and enforcers of magic, white or black or purple or grey. Their victory and victory and victory are temporary and pyrrhic victories. The Nigerian people and masses without ethnic or class discrimination are suffering now in line with the principle of inevitable consequences. In the end our people and masses shall enjoy adoration in the realm and realm of adoration. Our figures of religious and political hypocrites should keep on “mouthing prayers” and “offering devotions with no attention to [any] inner meaning” as they please. At the appointed time all the gangs of defrauding defrauders and swindling swindlers shall swerve themselves away. They themselves shall engage in the destruction of their reason and of their unreason. Completely they will end up destroying their characters and whatever their beings are or are composed of respectively and collectively.

I have tried to display what I have displayed here today with the discipline of a spiritual writer who expresses himself freely and without constraints as the Supreme Spiritual Masters of Merit (SSMM) enjoined me to do in my 15 minutes to midnight floating dream. It was a fascinating experience which I have tried to put down here fascinatingly, whether or not you share my landscape of “breath-resonance-life-motion” of the Chinese who are currently here doing as they please as they are encouraged to do. Let our lions keep on moon-lighting and hunting as they please – as my silence with-holds what it with-holds. But every lion in our landscape shall eat grass at the appointed time as every goat in our savannah shall eat flesh – again at the appointed time. O Jehu! Where are thou?
May generations upon generations never forget today’s column.
Afejuku can be reached via 08055213059.

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