Wednesday, 2nd October 2024

The bastardisation of religions in Nigeria

By Yahaya Balogun
07 April 2024   |   3:43 am
I feel disgruntled as a devout Muslim! The Holy Quran aptly posits that there should be no compulsion in religious beliefs.

“Hisbah arrests 11 Muslims in Kano for eating during Ramadan.”

“We got 11 persons (arrested) on Tuesday, including a lady selling groundnuts who was seen eating from her wares, and some persons alerted us,” Hisbah spokesman, Lawal Fagge, told the BBC.” 

I feel disgruntled as a devout Muslim! The Holy Quran aptly posits that there should be no compulsion in religious beliefs. Why does the enforcement of the brutal parts of religion always target the vulnerable members of society? The headline news above aches my mind as a Muslim and humanist. I feel psychologically tormented as a Muslim! It isn’t good to be audacious in blissful ignorance. It is also not good to perpetuate the poverty of mind amid knowledge acquisition, even if you must go to China as instructed by the Holy Prophet (SAW).

The illogical reasoning and reverse psychology of our people when it comes to religious matters are appalling. Hisbah’s ramshackle security outfit in Kano is not only an embarrassing coagulation of almajiris elements operating in a dystopian state where life is short, brutish, and nasty. Hisbah can only operate and function in a pariah state or hobbessian nation. Hisbah is rustic police against the impoverished Kano citizens, not for greedy politicians, bandits, kidnappers, and the rich terrorizing the Kano populace.

However, how do you explain to non-Muslims who are interested in becoming Muslims reading this headline? Where is it written in the Quran or Hadith to coarse, force, and punish Muslims who do not fast during the period of Ramadan? The Holy Quran succinctly states there is “no compulsion in religion.” It aches liberal or rational minds to see religions being made the victims by the ignorant, gullible adherents who continue to engage in blasphemy and abuse the vulnerable citizens in society. Islam is beautiful and peaceful! Christianity is adoringly humane and promising! Nigerian religionists have blighted the two religions in the name of ignorance and manipulation.

The two dominant religions in Nigeria are at the lowest ebbs in the conscience and consciousness of rational minds. In Nigeria, religions have become a weapon and tool of fear, abuse, blasphemy, and manipulation of impoverished and vulnerable minds. It is appalling and ridiculous to read the lines like this in the news:

“The other 10 (those who did not observe fasting during Ramadan) were men and were arrested across the city, especially close to markets where many activities happen.” He added that the search operations would continue but said that non-Muslims were exempt.” What is wrong with the minds of humans? The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Religious fundamentalists in Islam and tithe extremists in Christianity have bastardized both religions in Nigeria. The awful dispositions of atheists, rational theists, and humane minds to both religious adherents and bigots in Nigeria are acutely understandable. Who is your God? Who is my God? Who is their God? Mine! I can wishfully answer with equanimity of grace, the compassionate and merciful God I oblige and serve.

How does a civilized society fathom the pieces of news below, as reported by Promise Eze of the Vanguard Newspapers:

“The Kano State Hisbah Board’s Department of Public Enlightenment apprehended 11 Muslims on Tuesday for consuming food during the Ramadan fast, as reported by Hisbah spokesman Lawal Fagge to the BBC. The individuals, consisting of 10 men and one woman, were subsequently released after giving an oath not to break their fast again intentionally.”

“We don’t arrest non-Muslims because this doesn’t concern them, and the only time they could be guilty of a crime is when we find out they cook food to sell to Muslims that are supposed to be fasting.”

“Regarding those arrested, he said that they were freed after promising to start fasting from now on, and “for some of them, we had to see their relatives or guardians have family monitor them.”

Meanwhile, Nigerian religious practitioners or faithful have continued to make religions the culprits. Religions are meant to harmonize society and create peace and tranquility among people. The Nigerian religious practitioners or faithful have either willfully or ignorantly exposed the citizens to ridicule, hardship, and terror.

Successive Nigerian governments have failed to protect these dehumanized citizens, particularly women and children. Sadly, the most underprivileged and dehumanized Nigerian citizens are going through untold economic hardships. The unending and pervading helplessness and hopelessness in this sad period in Nigeria are very frustrating and concerning! How ordinary poor Nigerians escape this dilemma is a million-dollar question begging for answers!

• Yahaya Balogun wrote this piece from the United States of America