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The unseen, but felt power

By AbduRafiu
03 May 2024   |   3:04 am
Among the responses to last week’s column on Bobrisky was the surprise by one of the readers that there is so much difference between man and woman beyond the physical and the physiological. In the physical, the most obvious being in the reproductive features. A reader asked: “You mean there is so much that is disparate in the total make-up of women and that of men beyond the obvious?”

Among the responses to last week’s column on Bobrisky was the surprise by one of the readers that there is so much difference between man and woman beyond the physical and the physiological. In the physical, the most obvious being in the reproductive features. A reader asked: “You mean there is so much that is disparate in the total make-up of women and that of men beyond the obvious?”

From this reaction, one can see why we all encore the sing-song: What a man can do, a woman can do, indeed, even better”. We say this with such gusto and without reflection largely because we do not know enough about ourselves. From the enlightenment available on earth in these times, we can see there is so much we do not know about ourselves.

The ignorance has led man for centuries to wrongly conclude that woman is the weaker sex whereas man is only stronger, woman is the more powerful as she is closer to Nature and therewith the more connected with the power of the Almighty Creator, than man is. This is because she bears a peculiar endowment that makes her the bridge between the power of the Creator and man. The abundance of spiritual power she carries is lacking in man. Her special attributes enable her to draw virtues from On High which she uses to beautify and ennoble her community. By constituting the bridge, and mediator of sustained power, she forms the support, holding the balance in the family.

According to the ordinance of the Creator, with her intuition manifesting in the sharpness of her sixth sense the woman it is to make decisions and the man to execute them. This places the man in a situation that he is the more visible while the woman is quiet and gentle. All that has been altered by men as well as by women who when their attention to their gifts dismiss the hint as patronising. Once the bridge that the woman collapses and the ordinance of the Creator set aside, the world must be upside, a situation we can all witness has overtaken the entire world today.

In the confusion not a few women want to be men and quite a number of men are driven to wish to be women as is the case with Bobrisky. Not only did Idris Okuneye express the wish to be a woman, he took practical steps to actualise his dream. He flew down to Dubai and went under the knives to transform himself into a woman.

With the intensification of thoughts in that direction by either the men or women their souls get distorted. The question may predictably be asked: How? Thoughts that we generate go out in radiation threads. The ethereal threads are woven into forms by invisible servants of the Most High that are called nature beings by those who are aware of their activities. They man the loom of life and weave forms in accordance with the content of the thoughts.

These beings who are also called forces of nature set to work where procreation has taken place. From a single cell as the body of the child develops other cells begin to precipitate, differentiating as it were from one another to form different and individual organs of the body, such as the heart, the lung, the liver and kidney. At work are the said nature beings; they regulate them. Out of the cells are also formed the brain, the solar plexus and the lymphatic system concerned with corpuses.

They first construct the person’s astral body, the prototype of the garment the soul in the last wrapping puts on close to the earthly plane called World of Gross Matter. It is the astral design that the forming of the body in the womb of an expectant mother eventually follows. Indeed, we learn that it is part of lost knowledge to the modern man that for every child’s body developing in the womb, there is an astral model, that is to say a model of finer material invisible to the physical eye on which the gross material earthly body is formed.

The astral prototype body takes account of the threads of fate of the waiting soul, its credit and debit balance. It is after the nature beings who attend to such matters have fashioned the astral form that the fertilised egg begins to divide, forming tissues and organs, systems and so on I referred to earlier.

It is in their working that bodies are woven correspondent with what a person had wished for himself and his deserved karmic harvest. It should be made plain that soul consists of fine coverings around the spirit. It is these wrappings with the spirit as the core that make the spirit to be known as soul. It is, therefore, the soul that can be distorted and not the spirit which bears the burden of wrong volition. The choice of the spirit to be either man or woman upon setting out at the beginning on its journey to the earth even in its state as an unconscious spirit germ in quest of development in the school that the earth is, cannot be altered. It is a choice made for its entire existence.

It cannot, therefore, be for nothing that we are admonished to be wary of the thoughts we stimulate and send out. Speeches also take on forms. We live in a wonderful world, in the world of thoughts. All around us is a surge of activities. Even when we do not utter a word, all is living and active around us. Researchers who pre-occupy themselves with the study have revealed that thoughts have contents and they contain energy and measurable energy for that matter.

Thoughts out flowing from us have no barriers and can be active, influencing at the other end of the world. They move from the physical to the unseen reaches of the Beyond where they take on form to uplift us and adorn us with beauty and nobleness of effulgent dignity, or drag down its authors to menacing demonic entities.

Back to the enquiry about the difference between man and woman beyond the obvious physical features, I feel obliged to recall my earlier publication on who woman is captioned “The Mystery of Woman” for those who might have missed it when it was published in 2017 and to refresh memories of those of us who might have seen it.

As I said at the time, we can have a glimpse of the mystery of woman and her roles from what science seeks to elucidate despite its limitations. Science teaches us that two molecules of hydrogen and one of oxygen unite to give us water in the same way that sodium and chlorine, both splitting of a species, unite to form sodium chloride, the common table salt. I am not talking about the denatured salt but the typical one gotten from Himalaya Rocks or from the bed of the sea.

As I sought to explain, man and woman, like hydrogen and oxygen, are split species, each party seeking complementarity for balance and harmonious swinging. For batteries in our vehicles to work we have positive and negative charges. What science has validated is a union of elements to give fuller value of existence. Since the same law pervades and governs the universe, man and woman also being split species—man factor, positive and woman factor, negative—they drift as if by a pull, towards each other for a union in their search for complementarity.

Spirit is magnetic. But why is it that it is the woman that pulls the man? That goes to give us a glimpse into what a woman is, a glimpse of which last week intrigued the enquirer. The woman does the pulling because she is endowed with richer spiritual make-up and everyone can feel the pervasive influence around him. In her power, and the man encircled in her grip, she gets the man to do whatever she wants!

It is the same power that uplifts her to the heights that presses her down to the depth when she falls. This, it is said, can be likened to the tragedy of a woman dropping from a 25-storey building and the man from the ground floor. While that of the woman can better be imagined than witnessed, the man merely bruises his knees, suffers some pains and he gets up. Such is the gap. Who then is woman?

That Nature distinguishes a woman from a man is not a biological accident. The nature of each gender is a reflection of what each carries inside. The science of radiations has proved, at least, that every tangibility is a coarse manifestation of finer essence. In other words, the outward physical differentiation of man and woman merely reflects what must be substantial differences in the nature of their core, their being, their nature and their roles.

Is it not instructive to note that, simply from the differences in words which in any case express meaning, woman cannot be the same as man? For that reason, also, the roles of a woman must have a purpose distinguishable from those of man and subversion or abandonment of which can bring only grave consequences. Neither man nor woman created himself or herself. As such neither created and assigned the roles, implying that the gender question goes beyond the wish or will of man or woman. For her roles, the woman is tender, fine, gentle, sensitive and perceptive. The man on the other hand is dense, rugged, coarse and aggressive.

Contrary to the widely held notion and conception in modern times, women are not men, not just in biological differences or connotation, but in the nature of the gender of each group of the human family. Similarly, contrary to generally-held belief, especially in modern times, it is not society that assigns roles to woman or man, but Nature.

In most mobile creatures, we see male and female. And in plants to which I once drew attention, each part has its own roles which are akin to the different roles the genders of human race perform. The root of a plant, for example, is coarse, like man and like him provides the materials, the ingredients and water for the plant’s sustenance. The leaves, because of their fine and tender nature, prepare them to feed the whole, to nourish the whole, to beautify the whole.

The leaves, because of their finer nature, collect rays of the sun which provides energy. They also collect carbon dioxide and turn them into oxygen through photosynthesis. These are fine activities. Fine as a woman’s caring and tending. But the root battles with tough, coarse, not fine activity; with rocks under the ground while at the same time, together with the stem, protects the leaves, the delicate part of a plant.

As I already stated in the foregoing, women are closer to Nature than men are. This is as a result of her inner make-up which contains a part of higher spiritual essence which is lacking in men. With the higher spiritual make-up, she is put in a situation that she is a firm link and channel of radiations and influences from higher and purer Light Realm, that is Paradise. She is thus blessed with richer intuitive and perceptive faculties to sense the Will of God at all times and in every situation so that she can guide. She is put in the position to readily distinguish between right and wrong, between good and evil.

Thus in women are converged the rays of love and the rays of purity. Woman, therefore, becomes the storehouse of power. Standing half a step higher than man, she is able to absorb the rays of power and mediate them to the dense man, thus passing strength to him for use in his coarse activity. Man senses some power emanating from woman, and he feels drawn to protect this inexplicable treasure. He also feels overwhelmed by woman. Man has encountered this overwhelming power in nature but has been unable to relate it to the nature of female species in whatever form in all levels of being. I said this much last week, which I sense must have prompted the response to last week’s column.

It is obvious that deliberately Nature has endowed woman with a finer essence which her body mirrors so that in the ensuing homogeneity with the finer and purer currents of life she may easily link up with these forces, and absorbing them, mediate strength to her men folk, who being coarse and alien to these forces, cannot reach out to them on their own. On the other hand, the studier man is to reciprocate, for balance, with her protection and sustenance through the facility of his own coarser gifts. Where either forsakes its role and duty to the other, this structure inevitably collapses. Could the distress in the world today not have arisen from such imbalance in the weaving of the human species?

Through her sharp sixth sense, she is able to sense dangers readily even before they approach, and she alerts the man who gets ready to ward them off. She is able to notice fine spots in a child as well as anything spot or untoward in his dress or his breathing, or even notice cobwebs or water on the floor or on the table which man in his obtuseness may not see readily if he sees it at all. With the gift of effortlessly knowing right from wrong, her sense of judgment is striking, direct and correct. She is in a position to guide her husband in business, who his business partners should be, in government his ministers, and senior functionaries.

In love and care, she can be absorbed in the care of others, her husband and children to the exclusion of her own comfort. In selfless love, she throws herself on the right of right with absolute disregard to personal consequences. To know a woman is when her child faces a threat of danger. Like mother hen she will throw herself completely into the danger with total disregard for her own safety, regardless of her level of education, her exposure or social standing. The leading role of Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti cannot be easily forgotten in the history of Abeokuta or in the defence of her son, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti.

The woman is a life-long educator, the teacher, a moulder of character, the guide and the pacesetter. She begins to educate her offspring from cradle, indeed, from the womb until they are old enough to go their own way. Even then there is still a tie! Where she does it well there is no anxiety in life for her family or the entire community. If she sets the right agenda and tone, her society will not go astray but prosper. Where a woman stands aright, society has ennobling and uplifting practices and cultures. In the Elizabethan Age, through the instrumentality of Queen Elizabeth 1 (the First), Great Britain reached the zenith of her cultural flourish; and at the time of Queen Victoria, it was the age of etiquette, propriety and prosperity.

Soothing words from a woman have healed wounds and ended hostilities between nations in the same way nations, communities have fought wars over woman. Cultured men instinctively open doors for women and heads turn in gatherings at their approach, paying homage. Indeed, men begin to adjust their ties, their dresses to appear to be correct and approved by the woman who may not even be aware of the fuss over her. Before an upright woman, a man must bow—whoever he may be.

If women have fallen and become oppressed, it is a consequence of lack of understanding of who women are and the perversion of their own roles. So is it that women divert their energies to wrong and harmful pursuits such as footballing, weight lifting, wrestling, crane driving, emulating men, excessive intellectual cultivation there is imbalance between the brains, the frontal known as cerebra and the hindbrain cerebellum. The hindbrain is the spiritually receptive part. Thus with the paralysis of the hindbrain, the over-cultivation constraints, indeed, blocks the outflowing of the prompting of intuition. There is the craving by women for political power whether as president, governor or minister.

Manifesting today in cries for affirmative action is to place women in governmental power and kindred executive activities that distort a woman’s nature, steeling it and thus causing an imbalance in the order of life. By moving to a different sphere of activity, her volition changes, and her womanly nature accordingly becomes dulled…the bridge breaks and the natural structure collapses. Evidence of the creaking or collapsing structure which serious-minded people may wish to ponder is the gynaecological difficulties more and more women encounter today. Do we wonder? Once the volition changes and the fine womanly radiations turn coarse, why will the reproductive system, the hormonal orchestra, no longer maintained of radiations not respond accordingly?

When a river deviates from its course, it ends up forming a stagnant lake, giving its environment filth and fouled air. Eventually it dries up, unable to reach its destination, its goal for development. Nature has abandoned women to the disobedience of the laws that stipulate their roles. The penalty for this includes confusion in homes, in the society, in the world at large, in individuals and in failure of men to achieve enduring really great things. The penalty shows in the abandonment of children on refuse dumps, on the streets and rail lines. It shows in the emergence of child soldiers and the unbelievable aberrations we are all witnessing. It shows in brutalised man and lack of respect for women by men and for men by women!